Brandon Semenuk Rides Alberta's Stunning Hidden Realm In 'Afterlife'

Whenever Brandon Semenuk drops an edit, the mountain bike world pauses to pay attention. His latest project Afterlife is no exception.

Brandon and his consistent and dedicated crew of filmers and builders have a knack for finding incredible filming locations that are very off the beaten path. This new project is no exception. Watch the master explore the beauty of the high desert prairie below.

The only thing I think they could've included in this would have been a song from the Canadian prairie's very own Colter Wall. A lonesome cowboy tune would've been befitting of the scenery.

This edit hit a special place for me. I grew up in Billings, Montana, a small city right on the edge of the prairie in the south-central part of the state.

It's the type of town that most people are trying to get out of, especially if you are a mountain biker. Growing up, all the inspiration I had in this sport came from videos of the beautiful, lush, and scenic coastal northwest. So, naturally, I looked at the sandstone and sagebrush covered bluffs and thought that there was no chance of this ever being as fun as the skinnies and loamers I saw on the screen.

As I grew up, I began to see the beauty in the land around me and upon leaving, I now truly appreciate the beauty in the riding there every time I go back. The prairie is an acquired taste, there is no doubt about that, but I hope that this video inspires the riders who live in these sorts of less traditional mountain biking biomes to have pride in the places they get to ride because they are special.

The prairie is no Pacific Northwest, no loamer paradise, and no World Cup level rooty paradise and I wouldn't ever want it to be.

Related: Brandon Semenuk Drops Instant-Classic 'ARRAY'

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