Brand New Grindline Skatepark Opens Today in Anacortes, WA

There is a bountiful list of skateparks in the north west region of the United States; Lincoln City, North Bend, Orcas Island, Port Townsend, Seek Camp, Bingen, the list goes on. But rounding near the top of the list is a brand new skatepark that is opening today in Anacortes, WA.

The new skatepark is actually replacing an old crusty one, a project that has been in the works for quite some time. The new park was built by Grindline Skateparks, one of the most prestigious builders in the industry, and today, December 7th, 2023 skaters in the area will get the chance to check out the fresh concrete for the first time. Check out a glimpse of the new park below!

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