Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga Reportedly Have a "Huge and Overwhelming Connection"

Photo credit: ANTHONY HARVEY - Getty Images
Photo credit: ANTHONY HARVEY - Getty Images

From Good Housekeeping

  • Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk just broke up after four years of dating.

  • Now, reports are saying Bradley and his A Star Is Born costar Lady Gaga apparently have a major connection.

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk are 100% over, and while she's over here winning at Instagram with her totally unbothered waterfall pictures, Bradley is reportedly mulling over his friendship with Lady Gaga.

As you very well know, Gaga and B. Coop acted and sang and smashed a lot of things together in a ~film~ called A Star Is Born. They had insane chemistry onscreen and even off when they performed "Shallow" during one of Gaga's Vegas shows and the Oscars. Their friendship and professional relationship had everyone speculating that they may have actually been in love the whole time. Gaga previously denied all those rumors, but according to some new People sources, there may be more to the story.

First off, People reported that the movie had a huge effect on Bradley and Irina, who preferred her formerly "quiet" life. Their source said, "The rumors about Bradley and Gaga having a love affair didn’t help especially with his constant travels [promoting the film]."

Then the source added this bombshell, which is specifically about Bradley and Gaga's relationship and will make your jaw drop: "He has a huge and overwhelming connection to Gaga but whether it becomes a real love story in their lives for all the world to see is premature, and it’s difficult to speculate at this sensitive time.”

The world's reaction in a series of GIFs:

Some possibilities on what this might mean: (1) People may have been right about their chemistry all along. (2) There may be a possibility for some "love story," as the source put it. (3) There could (emphasis on could) be a chance that this situationship never becomes public or "for all the world to see."

If you'll excuse me, I'll be analyzing everyone's body language to see if there are any hints that this is true until I hear otherwise!

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