Boxer Puppy's Hilarious 'Debate With a Carrot' Is Getting Tons of Attention

No matter how you look at it--puppies will be puppies. They are curious, stubborn, and clumsy, but they're also irresistibly adorable as they discover everything about the world for the first time. Between the frequent potty breaks and constant chewing, it's normal to be frustrated sometimes, but there will be plenty of moments like this one from @lifewithkevinred that make those difficult times worthwhile.

Kevin is a 12-week-old Boxer puppy who's trying new things every day, but his reaction to being given a carrot did not go as planned. It was even better! Luckily, his owner got the hilarity on film on May 18, and now over a million people have enjoyed the puppy chaos. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it, too!

LOL! Honestly, I was a little bit shocked to see him jumping up and down in his crate at first, but then I realized--this is just what Boxers do! Kevin's puppy personality makes his confused 'boxing' even cuter, even if that carrot is never going to be eaten. Next time, maybe she can chop one up and mix it with his dog food!

Related: Boxer Puppies Totally Gang Up on Grandma Pup When She Doesn't Want to Play

"He'd make a great paramedic," joked commenter @paulgater28. OMG--you're so right! Those jumps would make very effective chest compressions, though he may not be heavy enough to make much of a difference yet. When he's an adult dog and reaches his full size, though, those moves could leave a mark!

Other commenters laughed about the dog's reaction, comparing it to Jojo Siwa's...unusual new dance move. Honestly, I can see the resemblance! The up-and-down motion gives this happy dog's dance more of a rhythm, and the right music pulls the scene together perfectly!

As the dog's owner shared in following TikTok videos, carrots aren't the only things that make Kevin react so intensely! He also loves to box with those spring-like door stoppers, and it's just as cute as it is with the carrot.

Why Do Boxers Box?

While there isn't a way to officially confirm the origin of the Boxer breed name, one theory is that it's a reference to the unusual stance they take when they play with other dogs. You'll see them standing on their hind legs while using their front paws just as boxers do when they' box'. Once you witness this, it's easy to see where their name comes from!

While Kevin's repetitive jumping isn't technically boxing, it's still unbelievably cute. Only the most excited dogs hop like that, but I've never seen a dog get so worked up over a carrot before, either! Needless to say, Kevin is one special little pup. It will be so much fun to watch him grow up!

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