Boxer Puppies Totally Gang Up on Grandma Pup When She Doesn't Want to Play

Life with young puppies can be so much fun, but everyone needs to rest sometimes. That's why we relate so closely with Grandma Gracie, an older Boxer dog who's trying to get her grand pups to understand that she's not in the mood for playtime. Unfortunately, they're not getting the hint!

TikTok account @boxermadness shared this chaotic video clip, and we just can't get enough. Grandma matches the pups' sass like the pro that she is!

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LOL! We are positively enchanted by the energetic puppies and how they bounce around, but Gracie's grumpiness is too relatable to resist. For all we know, these babies had just woken her up from her beauty sleep!

"Leave granny alone. She hasn’t had her coffee yet," wrote @blackbeltchick1. We know how that feels, too! Life is just easier when there's caffeine involved, and we would definitely need some to handle these bundles of joy.

Hopefully, Gracie found herself a place to relax away from all the barking and whining, but we'd be lying if we said this chaotic encounter didn't entertain us. At least we aren't the only ones loving it so much!

@Xpuppymummy said, "I love how Boxers get down on their elbows when in play mode," and we couldn't agree more. It's absolutely adorable, and it makes sense, too. The Boxer is an extremely playful breed, and it made us smile to see all of these fur babies bouncing around in play (even if Granny wasn't having it).

Besides, these young puppies won't be around forever! We have a feeling they'll be snatched up by doting forever homes as soon as they're available, and Grandma will surely miss them then.

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