Boxed Is Selling A 50-Pound Barrel Of Emoji-Themed Fruit Snacks

Photo credit: Boxed Wholesale
Photo credit: Boxed Wholesale

From Delish

If you're headed back to school next month (or are legally responsible for someone who is), then you know that having snacks at school is important. And in the age of Instagram, the aesthetics of your snack kiiind of needs to be just as on point as the flavor. Thank gawd that Boxed Wholesale has new snack that can do all that and more.

Friends, meet Fruitmojis, the fruit snack that is shaped like your favorite emojis. I'm talking the fire emoji, the cash money emoji, and yes even this one: 💩. And because these suckers are being sold by one of the best online wholesale brands, packs of them come all wrapped up in a fabulous 50-pound barrel. Oh, and by the way, you get 1,000 packs for $100 (plus free shipping). That's 10 cents per pack, people.

We've also got to give Boxed a huge round of applause for making these without any sketchy artificial flavoring or coloring. Check out the ingredients. Yes, they are still sweetened with sugar, but there's also spirulina, turmeric, and purple sweet potato involved. With ingredients like those, we're pretty such that kids and adults will have their hands all up in that barrel.

Photo credit: Boxed Wholesale
Photo credit: Boxed Wholesale

After all, there's plenty to go around (that is, until the barrel comes back into stock. Did we mention it's sold out at this particular moment?). Unless, of course, you feel confident you can tackle all 1,000 packs yourself. Which, by all means, go right ahead.

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