Boost Your Skin's Health with This Yummy Kiwi Coconut Collagen Smoothie Bowl


Photo: Valorie Darling

Want to get your glow on? Consider this Kiwi Coconut Collagen Smoothie Bowl your ticket to healthy, youthful skin. Not only does this creamy, dairy-free treat taste delicious, it's filled with nutrients, including collagen peptides to boost your skin health. (Read: Should you be adding collagen to your diet?)

If you're worried that a smoothie bowl won't keep you full, think again. The combination of fiber-packed chia seeds, protein, plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, and coconut milk (a great source of healthy fat) is super satiating-promise!

Plus, this bowl also delivers a serious dose of vitamin C from kiwi, in addition to vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate from spinach. It's basically a multi-vitamin in a bowl. Start your day with this yummy smoothie bowl and you'll feel amazing from the inside, out. (FYI: Here's how to make the perfect smoothie bowl for all of your future cravings.)

Kiwi Coconut Collagen Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Serves: 1


  • 4 oz. organic, full-fat coconut milk

  • 8 oz. purified water

  • 1/2 cup organic kiwi, chopped

  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds

  • 2 scoops Vital Proteins Grass Fed Collagen Peptides

  • 2 large handfuls organic, fresh spinach

  • Stevia to taste

  • Coconut flakes for garnish (optional)


1. Add all ingredients besides coconut flakes to Vitamix or another high-speed blender, and blend until well combined.

2. Adjust stevia to taste.

3. Pour into a bowl and garnish with coconut, if desired.

4. Serve and enjoy.