This Book Will Fuel Your Hiking Wanderlust

This article originally appeared on Backpacker

Want to get inspired to hike everywhere from your local state park to the Himalaya? You Are Here will deliver. This photo book draws you in right from the cover with a combination of full-spread photos, intense landscapes, and wilderness-centered quotes from famous writers and wilderness sages like Haruki Murakami and Ed Abbey. Every page added a new trail to my to-hike list.

(Photo: From You Are Here: Hikes , image copyright (c) Marco Bottigelli)
(Photo: From You Are Here: Hikes , image copyright (c) Marco Bottigelli)

While many coffee-table-style photo books stick to exotic locales and once-in-a-lifetime destination treks, You Are Here showcases the drama and beauty of home trails, too. An atmospheric rainy-day photo of a hike near Snoqualmie Pass had me dreaming of childhood dayhikes off our local highway in the Cascades, while a shot of a wildflower meadow near my new Colorado home had me planning a weekend getaway for as soon as the snow melts. But, if you've been dreaming of an international adventure, this photo book will also get you to finally book that flight-after my first read-through I added about a dozen countries to my future trip plans. Either way, all the images and accompanying quotes focus more on the joy of hiking than checking off an impressive tick-list. My personal favorite feature: Every photo is accompanied by GPS coordinates, so you won’t have to desperately scour the internet trying to figure out how to reach the peak of your dreams or your new weekend haunt.

You Are Here will be available on May 10, 2022 from Chronicle Books: preorder it here.

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