Bonded Pair of Goldens Abandoned by Owner in Canada Are Hoping for a Holiday Miracle

At just 13 months old, Sage and Peppermint the Golden Retrievers have already been through so much heartache in life. They were found roaming the woods covered in fleas and ticks in Canada because their owner had dumped them there upon their move to the United States.

Sadly, no one wanted Sage and Peppermint, so they were discarded like trash. But luckily, they were found and brought into a shelter, which discovered that both of the dogs needed their hips replaced.

Over the next few months, the dogs underwent the surgeries on both hips and then did physical therapy to regain their strength. Now, the dogs are good as new and are looking for a forever home together.

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These twin dogs look so sweet and eager to please. They would be so happy to find a home for the holidays!

Hip Problems in Golden Retrievers

Unfortunately, hip problems are a common problem in Golden Retrievers. Hip dysplasia and degenerative joint disease run rampant in this breed, and while these conditions are irreversible, a lot can be done to help your Golden live comfortably.

Physical therapy does wonders for helping these issues, and it will also ensure your dog maintains their range of motion in their joints. It will also help to maintain muscle mass in their legs and body.

Like Sage and Peppermint, some dogs have no option but to have surgery to repair the issue in their hips. Now that they are recovered, the dogs can run, jump, and play with no issues!

Keeping Bonded Pets Together

When two pets share a bond, it’s like no other! These two Golden Retrievers are definitely bonded, meaning that they’re going to have to find a forever home together. After everything they’ve been through together, it would be heartless to separate them.

These dogs love each other so much, and it’s clear that if they were apart they would miss each other a lot. That’s why it’s so important to keep bonded pets together. They not only have a built in play mate, but also a cuddle buddy and someone to sleep with.

These dogs have been through a lot of trauma together since being abandoned and having to live out in the woods alone. Through that traumatic experience, their bond definitely grew stronger. Now, the dogs are looking for the best new life so they can move on from everything that they experienced.

To have a forever home for the holidays would make these two Goldens so happy. They are available for adoption in either Canada or the United States!

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