Bobby & Jens: Lisa Brennauer wants to see women’s cycling continue to grow

This article originally appeared on Velo News

Lisa Brennauer has long been one of the strongest riders in the women's peloton. But it's hard to top what she accomplished last year, winning an Olympic gold medal and world champion titles on the track, the German road and time trial national championships and many more podiums and top-10 results. Now with the 2022 season in full swing, she joins Bobby & Jens, taking a look back over that season, and taking stock of the state of women's cycling.

Big seasons usually don't just come out of nowhere; there are changes and hard work behind the scenes making it happen. Lisa takes us through what changes she made leading up to that outrageously successful season, and what she attributes her success to. She even credits the pandemic-caused break from racing in 2020 in her journey to winning a year on.

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Perhaps her most impressive feat of 2021 was setting a world record en route to a gold medal at the Olympics. Learn about her preparation leading into the Olympics. "Our coach thought his watch was broken because we were going so fast," she recalls from her team pursuit squad's training sessions.

Having been a pro since 2009, Lisa has grown alongside women's cycling. She gives her take on the state of the sport, both how far it's come and where it needs to go. Many things have improved, including the introduction of minimum salaries, allowing more women to make a full time career out of cycling without having to supplement income from other sources. But there's still a way to go, she says, one of the most pressing needs being a U23 women's category.

"I think there's still this improvement ahead of us."

Listen to this week's episode for the full discussion.

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