Bob Harper's 30-Minute Heart Rate–Boosting Workout for Killer Abs

A lot has changed for celeb trainer Bob Harper in the last year-including his fitness philosophy. He experienced a health scare with his unexpected heart attack that had all us asking how something like that could happen to such a healthy and physically fit person. (For the record: Harper has a family history of heart disease, which put him at greater risk.) He has since recovered (thanks in part to lots of yoga) and has learned a lot along the way, including how important it is to slow down and listen to your body.

But make no mistake, Bob Harper is still a force to be reckoned with (yes-he's still doing burpees) and he proved as much when he trained two of our Shape editors through an intense, fat-burning, abs-focused workout. Follow along for this 30-minute session that incorporates total-body movements, heart rate–boosting intervals, and active stretching to show that building abs is about SO MUCH more than holding a plank forever. (Love the workout clothes our editors are wearing? Everything is from Kohl's, so you shop these looks and more activewear on their site.)

30-Minute Heart Rate–Boosting Workout for Killer Abs

What you'll need: A mat, a set of 5-pound weights, a jump rope

How it works: You'll warm up with some really active exercises that are meant to get your heart rate up from the get-go. Then you'll move on to a circuit-style workout that works your entire body but requires serious core activation, strength, and stability, so you'll walk away sore and this much closer to rock-solid abs.

Warm-up: Perform each of the moves below for one minute each with no breaks in between.

  • Jumping Jacks

  • Alternating Front Lunge with Raised Arms

  • Inch Worm

  • Alternating Single-Leg Plank (with a hold and push-up)

  • Jumping Jacks

  • Twisting Lunge with Reach

  • Jump Rope

  • Wall Mountain Climber

Hollow Hold

A. While lying on back, bring both straight arms up and back to frame face.

B. Keep both legs together and straight, and lift to hover off the floor. Hold here.

Do this for 15 seconds.


A. From sitting, plant feet on floor and palms behind you with fingertips facing heels.

B. Engage glutes to lift hips to the sky to form a flat, tabletop position from head to knees. Hold here.

Do this for 15 seconds.

Hollow Rock

A. Come into hollow hold position, then, while maintaining position, begin rocking forward and back, keeping core engaged and lower back planted on floor.

Do this for 30 seconds.

Tabletop with Leg Extension

A. From tabletop position, lift right foot off ground to point straight leg out, keeping knees level. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat with left leg.

Do this for 30 seconds.

Hollow Rock

A. Repeat hollow rock as described above.

Do this for 30 seconds.

Tabletop with Alternating Leg Lift

A. From tabletop position, lift right foot off ground to point straight leg out, keeping knees level.

B. Immediately return foot to floor and switch so left leg is lifted. Continue alternating legs.

Do this for 30 seconds.


A. To begin, hold 5-pound dumbbells in either hand in racked position (elbows bent, weight at shoulders), with feet wider than hip-width apart and toes slightly turned out.

B. Keeping weights racked, squat low, engaging the glutes.

C. Push through heels to quickly return to standing while simultaneously thrusting arms overhead into the top of a shoulder press position.

D. Bring weights back to racked position as you reverse the movement to come back into a low squat. Repeat.

Do this for 1 minute.

Rest for 1 minute.


A. Repeat thruster as described above.

Do this for 1 minute.

Alternating Forward Lunge with Crescent Pose Arms

A. From standing, bring right leg forward and bend at both knees to come into a fitness lunge.

B. Push through right heel to return to standing, then bring opposite leg forward and bend both knees to come into a lunge. Continue alternating sides.

Do this for 1 minute.

Static Knee Hold Three Ways

A. From standing, bring right knee into chest and hold using both hands.

B. Bring bent right knee out to the right side, and hold using right hand.

C. Bring bent right knee across body to left side, and hold using left hand.

D. Repeat all three holds with left leg.

Do this for 30 seconds on each side.

Alternating Forward Lunge with Crescent Pose Arms

A. From standing, bring both arms straight up to frame face. Keep them here for the entire exercise.

B. Step right leg forward and bend at both knees to come into a fitness lunge.

C. Push through right heel to return to standing, then bring opposite leg forward and bend both knees to come into a lunge. Continue alternating sides while keeping arms raised.

Do this for 1 minute.

Jump-Switch Lunge

A. Begin at the bottom of fitness lunge; right leg in front, knees bent at 90-degree angles with back knee resting on floor.

B. Using a burst of power, jump up and quickly switch feet, landing softly in fitness lunge with left leg forward.

Do this for 30 seconds.

Tree Pose

A. Shift weight onto right leg. Draw left knee into chest, grab ankle, and press the bottom of left foot onto the inside of right thigh or calf.

B. Press palms together in front of chest into prayer position. Hold for 10 breaths before dropping foot to floor and repeating on opposite side.

Do this for 15 seconds on each side.

Bicycle Crunch

A. Lie on back with hand clasped behind head and knees lifted to tabletop.

B. Twist torso to the left as you straighten right leg to hover above the floor and left knee into chest, aiming to meet right elbow with left knee.

C. Come back through center, before twisting to the opposite side, straightening left leg and bringing right knee to meet left elbow. Continue alternating sides.

Do this for 1 minute.