BMX Rider Throws An Utterly Confusing World's First

BMX big air riders are more like aerialists or gymnasts than bikers these days and the clip you're about to see is even further evidence of that.

Dylan Devitt took 700, yes you read that right, 700 tries to get this trick. When you see it, 700 will seem like a reasonable number. Take a look at the mindblowing stunt below.

I don't really know how to describe this other than that it looks actually impossible. To control that many moving pieces on such counteracting axises is something that humans just plainly shouldn't seem to be able to do.

Huge props to Dylan for putting up this world's first, I don't think anyone is going to be challenging it anytime soon.

BMX riders have some kind of otherworldly ability to manipulate their bodies and seemingly physics that is just not something we see in any other discipline of this sport. Their masterful bike control is evident as every major BMX rider to transition to mountain biking has really risen to the top of the sport.

We'd love to see what Dylan could do on an MTB.

Related: Watch This: Kriss Kyle's Kaleidoscope

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