BMX Pro Kriss Kyle Rides Snowy Turkish Desert In New Edit

The hills of the Turkish desert are beautiful in normal conditions. When it snows, they hit a whole other level of scenic.

Watch Kriss Kyle rip through the snowy desert in Turkish Delight below.

In this video, Kyle Brings his unique BMX style again to the mountain bike, with foot plants, tailwhips, and other jibs.

What really makes the edit is the scenery. The snow on the red sand with the grey sky is beautiful. The balloons are the cherry on top.

Turkish Delight was filmed in the region of Cappadocia. Read the quote from the video caption for more information about the location.

240 miles northwest of Gobekli Tepe lies the region of Cappadocia, Turkey. Millions of years ago this region was transformed by a series of volcanic eruptions, leaving layer upon layer of volcanic ash that compressed over millennia leaving behind this other-worldy landscape.

Kriss Kyle is not the first pro to film an edit around this location. Kilian Bron also rode among the balloons in Follow The Light. Watch the edit below.

Kyle is a British BMX pro who has started to transition into mountain biking. Watch him ride off his house into a creative line below.

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