Blondey McCoy Tastefully Tears Through the Streets of London in 'Pigeon-Wise'

Thames recently released a new video, "Pigeon-Wise" featuring one skateboarding's most classy gentlemen, Blondey McCoy. He rips through the streets of London in his own unique way, just like the rebel he is, and really hits us with a few tasteful surprises throughout. Take a look:

The commentary at the beginning of the clip really sets the tone, and the classical music ties the knot extra tight. It's been five years since his last video part, and this was worth the wait. Here's what Blondey had to say about this recent project:

"I was 22 when I put out my last video part. I’ve turned 27 today, putting out my next, and a lot has changed in the time that’s elapsed. Raising children… running a business like mine… you don’t just do what you can in set hours. Nor do you ever feel you’ve done enough. The care such vocations ask of you and you want to give — assuming they are indeed vocations and not just situations — is limitless, so giving anything else your all is mathematically impossible. In accepting this, especially if the process involves first trying to deny it, one can lose the inclination to give anything anything at all. And instead take as fact that adulthood = the end of childhood. I NEEDED to disprove this to myself in this effort, and I’m proud to say I have."

Related: Video: The beauty of skateboarding in Lebanon with Blondey McCoy

I enjoyed these clips a lot. It's not your average video part, you know? But there's nothing wrong with that. Blondey stays in a lane of his own. Between his spot selection and trick selection, he proves time and time again that it's okay to do things your own way.

And as much as I admire and respect everything from heavy handrail moves to crusty DIY clips and mind-melting technical wizardry, this is tasteful and impressive all the same. It's always a pleasure to see Blondey on his board doing his thing.

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