Blizzard Asks Players To Try Out ‘Diablo IV’ in 'Server Slam’ Open Beta

Activision Blizzard made a slew of last-minute changes to Diablo IV earlier this week following feedback it received from its beta. Given that the game is scheduled to launch on June 6, that doesn’t give developers much time to test out the game and address any bugs or necessary fixes.

Among the changes developers made are redesigned dungeons to avoid backtracking and adjustments to the five classes a player can choose from – Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer, Necromancer and Druid – and what each one offers.

Ahead of the launch, Blizzard is asking players to take part in a Diablo IV open beta called Server Slam. Between May 12 and May 14, the beta will be available to players across Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, as well as co-op.

“Server Slam will give players one final weekend in Hell to experience a fraction of what Diablo IV has to offer, while simultaneously testing the capabilities of our servers prior to launch,” developers said. “The Prologue and entirety of Act I will be your canvas to paint with the remains of slain demons. Fractured Peaks, the first Zone, is yours to navigate as you please.”

The developers also teased what they described as Server Slam’s biggest challenge: a monstrous creature named Ashava. Players can’t pass level 20 during Server Slam, making the challenge particularly difficult.

Early download for the Diablo IV open beta begins on May 10.

In other gaming news, Marvel’s new running app employs Wolverine and Thor to yell at you for motivation.