Blinds Cleaning Hack: How to Clean Your Blinds Without Taking Them Down

Unless you like doing things the hard way

Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty Images
Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty Images

Are your window blinds collecting dust because you don’t have time to take them down for a deep clean? There’s a much faster—and easier!—hack for cleaning blinds that doesn’t involve removing them from the window frame and soaking them in the tub.

All you need is spray cleaner and a pair (or two) of cotton socks, and you’ll be done in no time at all. Read on to learn the only blinds cleaning hack you'll ever need to know.

How Often to Clean Your Blinds

Window blinds should be deep cleaned every two months. However, consider adding this task to your monthly to-do list if you have furry pets, leave your windows open often, or have blinds near kitchen work surfaces—they’re a magnet for grease and grime.

The Easiest Blinds Cleaning Hack

  1. Prep for cleaning. Gather up the cleaning spray of your choice—a vinegar and water mix works, as does rubbing alcohol—and some old but clean socks. (We suggest cotton crew socks because they're nubby on the inside, like a microfiber cloth.) A pair should do it, unless you’ve got very dirty blinds (no judgment here) or lots of windows in your home.

  2. Open the blinds. They should be open at a perpendicular angle to you so that you see the thin edges of each blind when you stand in front of the window.

  3. Pull a sock over your hand. Turn a sock inside out so the nubby part is showing, then pull it over your hand like a sock puppet. (Talking to the sock puppet while cleaning is optional.)

  4. Spray the blinds with cleaner. Spritz some cleanser on two or three blades at a time. Don’t spray the entire set of blinds at once because the spray will dry by the time you get to all of the sections.

  5. Wipe each blade with the sock. Gently wipe both sides of every blade with your socked hand, switching to a clean sock as needed. You might wipe in either of two ways, depending on the width of the blades and your personal preference:

  6. For wide blades: Run your socked hand along one side of the blade, then run it along the other to remove dust and dirt.

  7. For narrow blades: Open up your sock-covered hand like it’s a mitten or an actual sock puppet. Then, clamp your hand down so that the sock touches the top and bottom of the blade. Gently run your hand back and forth (or up and down) on each blade.


If your blinds are really grimy, fill a bucket with warm water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Swish it around, then dip your socked hand in. Squeeze out the excess water before wiping each blade. Use the other dry sock to wipe each blade dry, or let the blinds air dry.

Tips for Cleaning Your Blinds

  • Be gentle. Even if you’ve gotten behind on cleaning your blinds, don’t tug or pull as you clean off the dust and dirt.

  • Spot test any cleaning product. If you’re concerned about getting your blinds wet or using a particular cleaning solution on them, do a spot test first to make sure there’s no discoloration.

  • Work top to bottom on horizontal blinds. Some dust and debris might fall on the lower blinds as you work, so be sure to start at the top when cleaning horizontal blinds.

  • Let the blinds air dry. Even if you've done a second swipe with a clean, dry sock, leave your blinds open for a bit to allow any cleanser residue to dry fully.

Another Quick and Easy Way to Clean Blinds

Take your kitchen tongs and wrap a microfiber cloth around each blade, securing each with a rubber band. Spray some cleaner on a few blinds at a time. Then, pinch a single blind with the tongs as if you were picking up a piece of food in the kitchen. Squeeze gently so the microfiber cloth touches either side, then run the tongs up and down (or back and forth) the entire length of the blade to remove dust and dirt. 

Read Next: 12 Genius Cleaning Hacks Sure to Save Time (and Are Approved by Pros)

Read the original article on The Spruce.