Blind Cat's Sweet Snuggles with His Mom Are Impossible to Resist

Dmitri is just the most adorable cat.

Cats aren't always known for their affectionate nature, but Dmitri the blind tabby cat is an adorable exception. Not only does he love his human mom enough to cuddle up next to her, but he actively seeks her out for snuggles, too! Add in his precious little meows, and it's no wonder why he's so popular on TikTok.

@Blind_cat_dmitri's bio says that he has "0 eyes" and "1 big heart," but he also has nearly 2 million followers! We wouldn't be surprised if he goes viral yet again with this touching video clip. It's impossible not to love this kitty!

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Aww! Dmitri's little meows tugged on our heartstrings for sure, but it was so sweet to see him snuggled up with his mama. We're so jealous of her for getting all of his love!

"He's so cute, I'm sobbing," shared commenter "Happiness and health to the cat!!!" Tons of commenters are awestruck by Dmitri's precious personality, but we'd be lying if we said his different abilities didn't leave us a little emotional too. Just like @axolotl924 wrote, "you don't need eyes to see love." This kitty is perfect proof!

Of course, Dmitri's adorable meows are rather popular, too. @davidfoley2758 said, "the meow of a cat is so precious. I can see the love you 2 have. [It's] so beautiful." Isn't it the best? We can tell how genuine their connection is based on the way he seeks her out for cuddles. And the smile on her face? She loves it, too!

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