Blake Lively Slams Paparazzi for Stalking Her Young Daughters During “Frightening” Encounter

Photo credit: Pascal Le Segretain - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pascal Le Segretain - Getty Images
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Don’t mess with Blake Lively and don’t you dare mess with her children. The actress/mom/goddess recently called out the Daily Mail Australia for publishing “deceitful” photographs of her with daughters James, 6, Inez, 4, and Betty, 21 months.

Allegedly, paparazzi followed them and then the publication edited the photos to send a misleading message to readers.

“You edit…these images together to look like I’m happily waving. But that is deceitful,” Blake began. “The real story is: My children were being stalked by men all day. Jumping out. And then hiding. A stranger on the street got into words with them because it was so upsetting for her to see. When I tried to calmly approach the photographer you hired to take these pictures in order to speak to him, he would run away. And jump out again at the next block.”

Photo credit: Tommaso Boddi - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tommaso Boddi - Getty Images

She continued to ask the Daily Mail Australia if they do background checks on photographers. It’s definitely not okay for adults to follow children around. Like, in any other circumstance, that would be illegal, right???

“Do you do background checks on the photograph[er]s you pay to stalk children? Where is your morality here? I would like to know,” she continued. “Or do you simply not care about the safety of children? The photographers who would speak to me, I was able to agree to smile and wave and let them take my picture away from my children if they would leave my kids alone. Because it was frightening.”

Blake ended the comment by saying that we’re beyond this toxic paparazzi culture. Which, we are (at least I’d like to think so).

“Tell the whole story @dailymailau. At minimum, listen to your followers,” she added. “They too understand this is dark and upsetting that you pay people to stalk children. Please stop paying grown-ass men to hide and hunt children. There are plenty of pictures you could’ve published without the kids. Please delete. C’mon. Get with the times.”

See Blake’s comment below:

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