Blake Lively’s Daring New Manicure Takes a Cue From Deadpool 2

Blake Lively’s Daring New Manicure Takes a Cue From Deadpool 2
Blake Lively accompanied husband Ryan Reynolds to the New York premiere of *Deadpool 2* in a beauty look that took cues from the action movie.

It's well known that Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds enjoy a relationship centered on shared aesthetics, good-spirited spousal burns, and mutual support. So, it comes as no surprise that in readying for the New York City premiere of Deadpool 2, Lively opted for a beauty look that paid homage to her husband's two-toned, subversive superhero, the moment marked by an appropriately moody manicure.

Last night saw Lively slipping into a red sashed black column dress that helped spur the evening's thematic feel, the dark palette seeping into nearly every detail possible—with the exception of her bombshell blonde, which kept its color, and was worn loose, slightly curled, and combed back at the crown. A velvety crimson lip served as the first element of the night's motif, supplemented by extended onyx drop earrings that swung past her shoulders. But the most memorable cue could be found below neck-level: a flawless black manicure matched to the actress's exposed toes. The overall effect was a study in on-topic beauty, the look undeniably referential without skewing camp. Also worth noting? Though May is, indeed, all about flowers and their accompanying hues, there's no need to relegate the can't-miss appeal of a noir nail to chillier months.

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