Blacks Beach Goes Off In Hilariously Under-Forecast Conditions

Surf forecasting is nice, and all, but sometimes you just have to check it out for yourself. In an edit set at Blacks Beach, released on YouTube by videographer Made by Blae, we see the very clear benefits of taking advice from Surfline and the like with a grain of salt.

The title of the video, which reads “Blacks said 3-4ft+?!” hilariously underscores an edit of barreling, overhead waves at the iconic Southern California break. Sweeping drone footage documents tube rides, peeling lefts, and more than one surfer taking a hefty closeout right on the dome. It’s a far cry from the prediction of 3-4 foot conditions that probably would have warded off most tube-hounds.

While many might many bemoan the frequent lack of reliable forecasting for surf breaks, moments like this should also shine a little ray of hope into the hearts of anyone looking at an underwhelming Surfline forecast at their local break. Sure, technology has come a long way since the days of looking at inscrutable buoy readings in the newspaper, but sometimes you just never know what you might find.

The post Blacks Beach Goes Off In Hilariously Under-Forecast Conditions first appeared on The Inertia.