Black TikTok Influencers Keeping You Updated On The Hottest Destinations

person on mobile phone opening the TikTok app
person on mobile phone opening the TikTok app

It’s a new year, and travelers are gearing up for fresh trips and vacations. While older travelers are still tapping in with travel agents, younger folks are using ChatGPT and social media for inspiration on where to head next.

Black TikTok influencers are unique because not only do they shine a light on new destinations but they do so through the Black travel lens. Their content focuses on where to go and what to do while highlighting safety concerns, culture shock, and other aspects unique to the Black travel experience. Here are a few Black Tiktok influencers keeping you updated on the hottest destinations to visit and explore.


For a serious dose of culture around the world, tap in with Tiktok influencer @cultureshockaddict. This influencer is truly a culture addict. His content is perfect as he gives relatable, down-to-earth perspectives on destinations around the world. Last year, social media users watched him conquer places like Colombia, Istanbul, and El Salvador. From tasting the best street food to dancing in the street with locals, Culture Shock Addict has everything you need to get inspired before your next getaway. For even more content, check out his YouTube channel for full vlog footage of his travel adventures.


For the hottest destination where luxury is abundant, follow TikTok influencer @kirabarbielife. Kira’s content exudes opulence and the influencer showcases it wherever she goes. Kira is a digital nomad and has mastered traveling while working. Her content teaches others how to do the same thing with style and grace no matter where they travel. You’ll also find hotel reviews, the best destinations for solo female travelers, destination itineraries, and so much more packed into her TikTok profile.


TikTok influencer @Str8Geechee_Travels is a man determined to see the world on his terms. The Charleston, SC-based influencer covers both domestic and international travel destinations. He also became a flight attendant last year. However, he’s no stranger to exploring the world on his own. Solo travel is his specialty and you’ll find a ton of content reviewing the best restaurants in the destinations he visits. His page is also great for finding travel hacks and tips to help you save money and travel efficiently.


Based in Miami, FL, Dominique, who goes by @blogionistatravels on TikTok, is the epitome of travel influencer greatness. Last year, Dominique secured multiple paid partnerships with brands like Delta Airlines, Mazda, Visa, and Uber. She speaks on panels and teaches others how to make their travel influencer dreams a reality. However, her profile is also a hub for finding new destinations to visit both in the US and abroad. Through Blogionista Travel, Dominique gives all the real tea on being a travel influencer while keeping followers updated on deals and tips before their trips.