Tell Us Your Experience With Being Misdiagnosed By A Doctor As A Black Person

It has become a known fact that patients of color, especially Black patients, are much more likely to be misdiagnosed by medical professionals than white patients are.

  Thomas Barwick / Getty Images
Thomas Barwick / Getty Images

If you're Black, you may have experienced a case of misdiagnosis, medical mistreatment, or a dismissive attitude when dealing with your doctor.

A doctor speaking with a Black patient
The Good Brigade / Getty Images

Maybe a doctor failed to properly listen to your concerns, dismissing your symptoms as less severe than they really were.

A doctor speaking with a Black patient
Thomas Barwick / Getty Images

Perhaps, your doctor assumed something about your habits and health based on untrue stereotypes.

A doctor speaking with a patient
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc / Getty Images

Or maybe, your doctor treated a part of your body that did not need treatment at all, causing complications in your health.

A doctor treating a Black child
The Good Brigade / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we want to hear about it. Stories like yours can be important in raising awareness of inequities in healthcare, as well as in helping to eradicate them. Leave a comment with your experience below (or fill out this Google Form to be anonymous), and your story could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post.

Make sure you head here for our Black History Month coverage!

A drawing for Black History Month featuring prominent figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Kobe Bryant
Kathy Hoang / BuzzFeed