Black And Latine People Are Sharing The Stereotypes They're Sick And Tired Of Hearing

Both Black and Latine people (and those who are both) are subjected to a lot of wild stereotyping on a day-to-day basis.

Local Tour Guide Pointing Forward While Walking with a Group of Cheerful, Fashionable Afro-Descendant Black Young Men and Women Together with a View of Panama City, Panama
Jeremy Poland / Getty Images

Some people are intentional with leveling stereotypes at others, while the thoughts have been normalized so much to others that they don't realize they're doing it.

Black girl with closed mouth gets bullied by classmates
Salim Hanzaz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

But it's important to realize because it's not a "no harm, no foul" offense. It's rude and it perpetuates thoughts that can be harmful to whole communities in very real ways.

Mid adult protester woman holding a sign outdoors
Fg Trade Latin / Getty Images

We asked the Black and Latine folks of the BuzzFeed Community what stereotypes they're tired of, and here's what they shared.

1."I hate when Spanish or Mexican is used to mean Latinx or when people are like, 'You’re not Latinx if you don’t [insert culturally Mexican thing here].' I’m not Mexican. I love Mexican food and music and culture, but it’s not my food, music, or culture."

woman out to eat with a group of friends

2."I hate that people automatically assume that I’ve been to Mexico before, speak perfect Spanish, love and only eat spicy food, know how to dance, and dress the 'typical way Latinos do.'"

mexican food plates
Marcos Elihu Castillo Ramirez / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."That we are all under-educated and poor, and on the rare chance (in the eyes of non-minorities) we aren’t, we must have denounced our blackness or general ethnic background."

afrolatine woman with braids and a septum piercing

"Stop assuming because we are light, our mom must be white as a way to invalidate our blackness. Stop guessing what you think we are mixed with and trying to validate that for not being what you think stereotypical black is. Stop saying we look exotic. Black and Hispanic are races built of many different ethnic groups and cultures."

two afro latine women


Vw Pics / Getty Images/Collection Mix: Subjects RF

4."I'm sick of being called Spanish. I SPEAK Spanish, but I am NOT Spanish. Latino does not equal Spanish. We are not our colonizers. Gracias."


5."'You're so pretty for a Black girl.' heard that all the time when crushing on white boys growing up. My town was so small and racist that I didn't realize that was a backhanded compliment until I went to college."


6."I'm Puerto Rican. People I know have constantly told me that 'I don’t look Hispanic' or that 'my last name sounds white.' Like, do you want me to wear a sombrero and carry maracas around? There is no one template for what a Latino looks like."

woman in Puerto Rico standing by bricks in the breeze

7."'Omg, you don’t look Latina' because of my fair skin and red hair, or when people come up to me speaking Spanish, assuming that I know the language because I’m from Brazil. WE SPEAK PORTUGUESE!!!!!!"

Latina woman with fair skin and red hair during a conversation with a man in a suit
Carlosalvarez / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8."Ok, my Latinos, I think we can all agree that the selling oranges stereotypes are ridiculous. When I came from Colombia, my family and friends all assumed orange this and orange that, and I hate oranges! People still think we are the lowest, but we should make this stop. Si sa buthe."

crate of oranges
Wirestock / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9."I’m guessing this has been said, but I’ll repeat it. Latinos come in every color. I’m from the Caribbean. I’m white. People never believe me when I say where I’m from."

three women on a beach in the carribean

10."I’m a Latina of Mexican heritage, and I’m sick of people assuming I don’t speak English. Stop talking to me in your broken, pathetic Spanish. I can’t understand you, and it’s demeaning to me. I’m also tired of Latinos being excluded from studies or research. It’s as if we’re invisible."

Latine woman talking about health with Latine doctor
Ruizluquepaz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11."Oh, I don't know...that I know everyone?? That I'm from Africa? And let's not forget the old 'Africa is a country' thing."

aerial view of city
Allan Baxter / Getty Images

12."As a Black woman, I’m so tired of being asked about my hair. No, I don’t wash my hair daily BECAUSE I DON’T NEED TO!! Yes, I can change my hair every day. And do not ask me to touch my hair, because the answer is absolutely not. I am not some zoo animal."

mom doing her baby's hair in the bathroom
Kate_sept2004 / Getty Images

13."I’m sure many people will agree, as a Hispanic person (Guatemalan, Salvadorian, and Colombian), it’s very annoying when people use the term 'Mexican' as a substitution for Hispanic/Latinx/etc. There are people that are Mexican, yes, but there are also Hispanic people that ARE NOT Mexican. Similarly, when I cook, and someone refers to it as 'Mexican food.'"

cuban food dish
Sbossert / Getty Images

14."That we're all immigrants or children of immigrants. I'm Tejano. My family has been living in what is now the state of Texas since this part of the world was a colony of Spain. To use a clichéd phrase that very much rings true to me: 'I didn't cross the border; the border crossed me.'"

town in southern texas

15."Brazilians being seen as 'super sexy' and being fetishized."

Brazilian people dancing
Pollyana Ventura / Getty Images

16."As a Black woman, I find it frustrating when people tell me that I 'sound white.' In reality, I speak articulately and with education. It's unfair that my manner of speaking is seen as indicative of a certain race."

black woman using her phone in a courtyard

17."As a Latina, it makes me uncomfortable when someone calls me 'señorita' in the most American English way possible. I get that I look it, but saying it makes me squeamish."

woman sitting on a bench using her phone
Aire Images / Getty Images

Are there stereotypes that aren't here that you're sick of? Are there new ones you want to see nipped? Sound off in the comments.