Black Friday Deals 2018: On-Sale Gift Ideas to Crush Your Holiday Shopping List

Black Friday might traditionally be a time of me, me, me but once you've scored that perfect leather jacket, swanky new suit, or fresh stack of fancy T-shirts we urge you to turn your attention to all the things you'll soon have to buy for others. We're talking about holiday gifts. Go out to the shops armed with a list of gift ideas, or cozy up on your couch and take advantage of the numerous Black Friday deals, and don't stop until every last coworker and grandparent is taken care of. Sure, your checking account or credit card will take a hit, but you'll be glad you don't have to brave the shops when things really go bats#it in December. Instead, you'll get to spend that time doing what the style gods intended; party hopping in your best Black Friday duds. Here are just a few gift-friendly items going on sale the day after Thanksgiving to get you started.