Bird's the Word: Watch a Surfing Swan Get a Really Good Wave in Spain

When it comes to surfing animals, the list of creatures ready and willing to ride waves keeps getting longer.

Surfing dogs have been a common sight in the lineup for years. There's also surfing pigs, cats, goats, and even an Australian snake who enjoys riding waves.

But while most of those surf-stoked animals need a little help from their humans to catch a wave, the animal in the clip below can do it all on its own.

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The video was shared by a Spanish daily newspaper called La Voz de Galicia and captured by Jonathan Vázquez.

Captioning the footage, the paper wrote:

"Users of Seaia beach, in Malpica, were left speechless when they saw a swan catching waves."

While most surfing animals go tandem with their owners, the surfing swan has no problem catching waves solo.

The clip shows a swan waiting for a wave. The wave rolls in, and with perfect timing, the swan turns around and catches it.

The swan rides the wave all the way to shore, then heads right back out for another.


Check out a few viewer comments below:

"Swan Swan Florence"

"I read that swans actually like to surf. It’s not rare to find swans catching a wave in Australia apparently. So there you go. This guy here is just having a tubular time, hangin 10"

"Well. Everybody’s heard about the bird. Bird bird bird. Bird is the word."

"And everybody is surfing, surfing Galifornia."

According to Surf Forecast, Playa de Seaia offers lefts and rights. It's a "fairly exposed beach break that has pretty consistent surf, although summer tends to be mostly flat."


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