Bike Libraries Are Growing in Popularity, and That’s a Good Thing!

former library
Bike Libraries are Growing in Popularitypicture alliance - Getty Images

Did you know that your local library may lend out more than just books? Or that somewhere in your town or city, you may have an independent bike library with bikes that are ready to borrow?

StreetsblogMASS journalist Grecia White has been collecting a master list of libraries across the US that lend out bikes, loading them into this AirTable doc that’s open to the public. At present, 35 programs are listed, but more are added as she finds out about new options. (Know of one that’s not listed? Let her know on Twitter!)

Bike options on the list aren’t just basic commuters: There are some libraries with e-bikes and cargo bikes available to borrow. Some even have adaptive bikes. Many have helmets, lights and locks that come with the loan. Just bring in your library card and pedal away!

Why are bikes available from the library important? There are bike shares in major cities, after all. But the difference is simple: Bike libraries are free. Just like books, CDs and DVDs, you can sign a bike out, have some fun, and return it when you’re done. It’s a great way to test the waters with cycling if you’re not positive a bike commute is possible. It’s also a great example of how a Sharing Economy can get more people on bikes.

The Sharing Economy, as defined by Investopedia, is “an economic model defined as a peer-to-peer based activity of acquiring, providing, or sharing access to goods and services, often facilitated by a community-based online platform.” And while these library programs are generally run by government-subsidized libraries, they set a strong precedent for sharing rather than owning.

“It’s an opportunity to choose to be a little healthier in your day-to-day activity. But also, if you haven’t ridden a bike recently, it’s a good opportunity to get out there and try it without making a huge commitment,” Tana Elias, Madison Public Library’s digital services and marketing manager, told

Access to bikes at the library, especially in cities where many people live in small apartments, can be helpful for those who don’t have space to store a bike full time in their dwelling. Cargo bikes are great for big grocery runs, but they take up a lot of space! People For Bikes found that a major barrier for people to ride more was the space required to store a bike and a lack of maintenance know-how. A bike borrowed for the day or week from the library begins to solve that issue.

Our other favorite kind of bike library? A saddle library in a bike shop, where riders can test out different sizes and shapes of saddles! Gladys Bikes in Portland, Oregon, has one of the largest collections of saddles that we’ve seen, but many bike shops are growing their collections so customers can try before they buy. Check with your local shop to see what they offer, and if they don’t have a program yet, show them this example!

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