The Biggest TV Shows of 2020 (So Far)

We're three weeks into 2020 and it's already, quite frankly, a complete shambles of a year: The President's standing trial in the Senate, there's a new, critically reviled Doctor Dolittle movie for some reason and, not to be overdramatic, we're dying faster than ever before. Cheers!

As reality slowly disintegrates around us, we at least still have the comfort of living in the golden age of television. 2020 has already seen the debut of some great TV shows, with the return of some beloved favorites too. Here are nine of the biggest TV shows of the year so far, and our thoughts on whether or not they're worth your time instead of, say, trying to figure out what the hell's going on with Brexit.

The Outsider (HBO)

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of HBO</cite>
Courtesy of HBO

Stephen King's 2018 novel didn't really set the world alight like some of his earlier works, but The Outsider represents a new kind of adaptation, bathing in the murky tone of a hardboiled mystery while retaining some of that goofball horror flair. Jason Bateman is terrific as Terry Maitland, an everyman accused of killing and mutilating a local boy with irrefutable evidence both placing him at the scene of the crime, and also 200 miles away at the exact same moment. Cynthia Erivo is also brilliant as Holly Gibney, a recurring character in King stories who also appears on Mr. Mercedes, played by Succession's Justine Lupe. Both do great work, but Erivo brings a certain amount of calmness to a character who could be completely botched in the wrong hands.

Stream or Skip? Give this one a go.

The Bachelor (ABC/Hulu)


The Bachelor is finally learning that, if it is to compete with the new, hot reality shows of today, it's going to have to play a little dirtier than before. You can already see the Machiavellian producers' mucky little hands all over the first three episodes of Pilot Pete's season, repeatedly bringing back Hannah Brown, who turned him down on last year's Bachelorette, to both fuck with his head and drive each and every woman in the mansion into a frenzy.

Stream or Skip? The formula's the same as ever, and man, those episodes can draaaaaag. Pass, TBH.

Love Island U.K. (Hulu)

<h1 class="title">©ITV Plc</h1><cite class="credit">Courtesy of Hulu</cite>

©ITV Plc

Courtesy of Hulu

Love Island is back for a winter edition set in South Africa (not an island, but lemons, lemonade, etc.) So far the petty action has been at a minimum, and no one has even threatened to stand out as much as half the 2019 cast, but there's still plenty of time left, and plenty of episodes (another 30 or so) to get some serious "grafting" done. This iteration will certainly test the patience of Love Island rookies, though.

Stream or Skip? No offense but what else are you doing this winter?

Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of HBO</cite>
Courtesy of HBO

This is only the third season of Larry David's iconic Curb to air in the past nine years, and that's a good thing. The last thing a show like this needs to do is "evolve" or "keep things fresh." Instead, it just goes away for a long enough time that, when it comes back and repeats the beats we've come to know and love, it feels welcome rather than grating. A solid premiere has already set off a chain of events I can't wait to track for the rest of the season.

Stream or Skip? Stream stream stream stream.

The Good Place (NBC/Hulu)

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of NBC</cite>
Courtesy of NBC

And so, The Good Place's watch is ended, perhaps not a moment too soon. For an ensemble network sitcom, this thing really has a lot of mythology behind it, and the neatness with which things are wrapping up feels a little... underwhelming against the old school Good Place ethos of controlled chaos. This show is a special achievement, but if you weren't into it then, you're not going to get into it now.

Stream or Skip? Only if you've been there the whole time, sorry to this show!

Jeopardy: The Greatest Of All Time (ABC/Hulu)

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of ABC</cite>
Courtesy of ABC

Gather round, mortals, and marvel at the ability of three nerds to demonstrate the absolutely insane amount of bar trivia they've absorbed in their short lives. This is less a competition than a showcase: Glorious and terrifying at the same time because you will never have a mind like that. The only thing comparably gripping and inspiring on television is the National Spelling Bee.

Stream or Skip? Unless you've already spoiled this for yourself (and even then honestly), add this to your list.

The New Pope (HBO)

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of HBO</cite>
Courtesy of HBO

I did not think, headed into the year 2020 A.D., one of the hottest themes in pop culture would be "multiple Popes," but here we are. A follow-up to The Young Pope, Jude Law's weirdo Pope is joined by another weirdo Pope, played by John Malkovich wearing an amount of eyeliner that can charitably be described as "community theater production of a Tim Burton movie." Paolo Sorrentino again delves into his freaky interpretation of the Vatican, and the result is as polarizing and unique as the first season which, lest we forget, regularly featured Jude Law convening with a kangaroo.

Stream or Skip? Go nuts.

Cheer (Netflix)

<h1 class="title">1</h1><cite class="credit">Courtesy of Netflix</cite>


Courtesy of Netflix

Competitive cheerleading is still a widely misunderstood sport (It's a sport! Get over it!) and Cheer has all the underdog intrigue of a prime Friday Night Lights storyline with the even-handed documentary style of last year's brilliant Last Chance U. This is for you, especially if you think it isn't.

Stream or Skip? If you have a heart, this one's for you.

Dracula (Netflix)

<cite class="credit">Robert Viglasky / Courtesy of Netflix</cite>
Robert Viglasky / Courtesy of Netflix

Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss continue their quest to formally adapt every classic character in fantasy canon and bend the story to their... let's say distinct style. Having tackled Doctor Jekyll, The Doctor, and Sherlock Holmes, Moffat now turns his attention to the Prince of Darkness and, get this, it's not a modern-day reimagining! The show drops us in 1890s Romania and unleashes one hell of a first episode with all-timer performances from Claes Bang as the "bi-homicidal" vampire and Dolly Wells as a reimagined Van Helsing. Of course, this is Moffat and Gatiss we're talking about, and even armed with only three episodes, this thing goes way off the rails, but sometimes a train wreck can be fun to watch too, no?

Stream or Skip? Your mileage may vary, but this is definitely worth a shot.

Originally Appeared on GQ