Women And Men Are Revealing The Sex Techniques That Helped Them Become MUCH Better In The Bedroom, And These Will Hit ~The Spot~

If you're in the market for new ways to make sex more fun, then you ~came~ to the right spot. Reddit user u/Zdvj asked, "What's the secret to good sex?" and the people delivered smart and thoughtful answers. Plus, there were opinions from those who either agreed (or disagreed) with these tips. Here's some of what they had to say:

Someone saying "Good sex is just good sex"
Someone saying "Good sex is just good sex"

Kinetic Content / Via giphy.com

1."Don't come too fast."

A couple kissing in bed

2."Libido is a HUGE part of it. Everything is sexy when your libido is through the roof, and nothing is sexy when it's down. You can improve your own libido by taking care of your physical and mental health, especially by reducing stress. And you can also improve your partner's life (and subsequently libido) by helping them with the same."

A couple cuddling in bed

3."Compatibility, enthusiasm, selflessness, and good communication."

A couple cuddling in bed

4."Depends. If it's with one person, be attentive and passionate. If you're in a room swapping as part of a couple, try to enjoy both your pleasure and theirs. If you're in a threesome, divide your attention equally unless you're in a relationship with one party of the threesome — then divide your time from 75% to 25%. And if you're in an orgy, just run with whatever feels right."

Three dressed people sitting in bed

5."As a man who isn't particularly gifted when it comes to size or stamina, I've found a good rule to abide by is to just make sure you make her come before you ever enter her. That way, even if you end up being a two-minute-to-win-it kind of guy, everyone still got theirs. Also, toys, lube, and variety never hurt. Also, don't be afraid to laugh at something silly during sex. If I'm comfortable enough around you to want to be naked and stick my penis inside you, then I should be comfortable enough to laugh at an accidental fart during a quiet, sensual moment. It's not that serious, and it's much better to stop the moment a bit and get back to the mood prior than to ruin it with awkwardness."

A man kissing a woman's neck

6."In a long-term relationship, it's about keeping things sexy. This means partaking in foreplay and lots of it, sending dirty and flirty text messages throughout the day, and dancing in the living room. Also, a partner who wants to please you — that's very important. We are in our late 60s and have been together a quarter century, and it just keeps getting better, and less frequent, but that once a week is so darn good."

A couple kissing in bed

7."Emotional intimacy. Sex is significantly better with someone you are emotionally connected to."

A partner kissing their partner on the nose in bed

8."After a number of years together, it’s apparently a clean house."

A clean living room

9."Discovering that your partner is the right sort of partner for you. I mean, yes, two people can have good sex (most likely if each is trying to please the other during their naked times together). The idea I'm trying to convey is about having a partner you can share your secret turn-ons with so that you can act out with each other the things, ideas, and fantasy situations you would masturbate to when you're alone with your own sexy thoughts. This may not be 'the Answer' alone, but maybe one part of it, which can make good sex even better."

A couple in bed flirting and drinking from mugs

10."Tell your partner in a loving way (not the porn star way) how sexy, beautiful, and pleasing they are. Give endearing compliments often during sex, yet be aware not to be overly so. A comment once or twice is all it takes. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Pay attention to your partner's body language. That will tell you a lot. Be attentive to their needs and take just as much, or more, enjoyment from giving pleasure as from receiving it. It's completely OK NOT to be in the mood. At those times, give fantastic body rubs and massages without sexual expectations. A clean, private hot tub. Don't be intimidated by using toys with your lady, guys. My wife and I didn't start doing this until our late 20s, and her sex life was enhanced nicely, which made mine more pleasing as a side benefit."

A couple in bed cuddling

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Do you have any tricks or tips for having good sex? If so, tell us what they are in the comments below.