This is the biggest fear shoppers have about grocery stores during coronavirus

Although social distancing restrictions have started to ease in certain states, stress over the coronavirus pandemic is still very real for some. A recent study by Datassential, which polled 3,000 United States consumers, revealed that shoppers try to avoid a trip to the grocery store as much as possible due to a lack of trust in other shoppers and staff.

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In the survey, the company asked respondents what the biggest pain points have been about grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic and how stores can address those concerns.

According to the survey, one major difficulty when it comes to grocery shopping is distrust among fellow shoppers to act responsibly. Sixty percent of respondents experienced this fear. A portion of respondents also complained about having to touch shopping carts, not being able to adequately social distance and other customers putting touched items back on shelves.

These concerns beg the question: Is it safe to go to the grocery store during the coronavirus pandemic?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to stay safe while grocery shopping is to stay at least 6 feet away from others, to wear a cloth face covering and to go to the store during hours when fewer people will be there.

The CDC also recommends disinfecting your shopping cart before use with recommended cleaning products and using contactless payment when possible.

But safety concerns aren't the only pain points for shoppers. Here are more of the biggest fears surrounding grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.