Big-Wave Surfer Matt Bromley Speared in the Head by Board at Puerto Escondido

Matt Bromley is feeling lucky to be alive.

Last Friday, during a heavy day at Puerto Escondido, the South African was gouged in the head by his board, sustaining injuries, but also avoiding something much worse.

A board to the head is serious business, especially a big-wave gun. But in the end, thanks to the help of some other waterman in the water at the time, and his own grit, Bromley made it out of the situation alive, with a story to tell, and numerous stitches in his dome.

In the post above, Bromley tells the tale:

“Reflecting on today at Puerto, I’m very grateful to be alright. My board speared me in the forehead really hard. Fortunately there was no concussion but the cut was deep and the blood poured over my eyes as I pushed through 3 waves. I tried to paddle for the shore but the rip took me back out to sea where the whole lineup surrounded me. Thank you to all the waterman who were by my side paddling to the safe zone. You know who you are. 🙏❤️

“A fishing boat picked me up and brought me to the harbor where the lifeguards had already called an ambulance. Thank you guys❤️

“Very grateful to @juan_juan_fischer for leaving cooking Puerto and being my translator all the way until the surgery. Thank you bro ❤️

“And lastly huge thanks to @moralesedwin and @alanvangysen for sticking by through it all.

"20 internal stitches and 15 on the outside!”

Adding to the story, and the gratitude that everything turned out okay, fellow South African and legendary lensman Alan Van Gysen posted this note:

“Watching him struggle in the shorebreak after his rock-hard, big wave gun speared him in the head was terrible. We all felt so helpless on the beach as the rip swept him aside and another two big set waves pounded him. Miraculously remaining conscious with blood blinding his left eye and with adrenaline fueling him on, Matt got back onto his board and punched through the last wave of the set where fellow surfers look on in horror at the wound and blood, and rallied to his aid.

“The core and active lifeguard crew tried to rescue Matt and help, but their old ski failed and washed back up onto the shore as another giant wave washed through. I hope and pray accidents like these will ignite the support the lifeguards so desperately need at what must be one of the most dangerous waves in the world frequently surfed by so many. It is much gnarlier than I ever imagined."

Sounds like a super close call, and a harrowing ordeal for everyone involved. Here's to a speedy recovery for Bromley.


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