Take our big end of year travel quiz

Take the quiz. It beats doing the washing up - Maxiphoto
Take the quiz. It beats doing the washing up - Maxiphoto

So here we are, at the end of 2018. The last days of December. The festive season. A time for turkey, sherry, songs you would never play at any other time of year, goodwill to all (apparently), and something about an itinerant old man with a reindeer obsession.

It is also a time for quizzes. Because, as we all know well, pointless trivia and random questions are definitely better than doing the washing up, talking to your inlaws, taking out the third recycling bag filled with wrapping paper - or having to hear that Slade song again.

In this vaguely mean-spirited spirit, here are 20 intriguing questions about travel.

Some are related to the 12 months which have just gone, some are matters of happenstance dredged up from an atlas and a flight schedule, and some make no sense whatsoever. But all of them will help kill 15 minutes before you have to pop out into the rain for a bottle of washing-up liquid and three tins of cat food. So gift horses and mouths, and all that...