Big Brother's Houseguests Got into a Messy Fight on the Live Feeds Last Night

Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive

From Oprah Magazine

At the end of a long day, sometimes the best way to feel like you're living your best life is with some comfy PJ's, a glass of wine, and gratuitous reality television. In our series"Not-So-Guilty Pleasures," we remove the "guilt" and break down the latest happenings in your favorite TV indulgences.

  • Either Kat Dun of Cliff Hogg could be evicted from the house following Big Brother 21's week eight eviction night.

  • But due to a huge house fight on live feeds, tonight's results aren't so clear.

It wouldn't be Big Brother 21 without extremely messy game play and social interactions. And on Wednesday night's live feeds, the remaining house guests showed that to us in spades.

In case you didn't know, *spoiler* Kat Dunn and Cliff Hogg are on the block this week, facing eviction on Thursday's night's live episode. And up until Wednesday, it seemed pretty clear that the majority of the house was set to evict Kat, but after a huge house fight, the digital marketing executive's fate doesn't seem so set in stone.

The blowup began late on August 14, as live feed watchers saw Nicole tell Jess that there was a new final six alliance being formed—and it didn't include the model. Oh, and this new group's goal was to evict Kat, Jess's best friend in the house. This is when the drama officially started, so we'll break it down to you with the help of @BB_Updates's nifty recap tweets.

Naturally, Jess did not take kindly to this revelation. This meant she was again on the outs in the game. And she herself was supposed to be in the "Cliff's Angel's" alliance along with Cliff (duh), Kat, and Nicole. So what did Jess do with this newfound information? Infuriated, she blabbed it to Holly, of course. And during the discussion, they both came to the conclusion that they wanted to keep Kat.

But then, Jess had a tense conversation with Analyse. She let her know that she knew about the supposed six-person alliance, and that she couldn't trust those she was closest to in the house—mainly Nick and Cliff.

For some reason, Jess also told Analyse that Holly had been talking about her behind her back, calling the soccer player a "mean girl," amongst other things. This then led to Analyse heatedly confronting Holly—a conversation that all the other houseguests listened in on.

Meanwhile, somehow Kat got wind of Cliff's supposed new alliance, making it clear that he was willing to betray both her and Jess to be safe this week. It's Big Brother after all, so deal-making is natural, but Kat absolutely went off on Cliff (and shed some tears along the way).

And in the middle of all this, Nick furiously denied that he was even in an alliance in the first place, and Christie found a reason to cry, yet again, because "this whole game is sickening" and "everyone is a liar."

In the end, with all sorts of alliances and vendettas exposed, every single person in the house felt like their game was now in jeopardy.

Yes, we know, that was a lot. And we just gave you the summary. As of publish time, tonight's eviction vote is still unclear. Nicole, Jess, Analyse, and Holly have all vocalized that they would want to keep Kat. But is Cliff a safer bet at this point? We probably won't know until tonight's show at 8 p.m. ET.

Regardless, Kat is convinced that she'll be the one to walk out the door. Jackson even gave her some interesting eviction speech advice. And to cap off the craziness that we just shared, we leave you with some apt words from Kat.

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