'Big Brother 25's New Game-Changing Power Stops the Eviction

This week of Big Brother 25 was all about the past, present, and future. We saw the much-anticipated return of the "Pressure Cooker" HoH competition. Gameplay continued to run rampant in the house, with showmances flaring and secrets being spilled. And a new power was brought into the house with the power to stop an eviction in its tracks.

Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was evicted.

Related: Everything to Know About Big Brother 25

Who was eliminated on Big Brother 25 tonight?


Jag was set to be evicted, and was voted out unanimously. However, Matt chose to use the BB Power of Invincibility to save him from eviction, meaning that nobody was sent home.

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Who won Head of Household for Week 5?

The Head of Household competition did not play out in the eviction episode. We'll see who won HoH in Sunday's episode.

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Big Brother 25

Who's left in the game on Big Brother 25?

America Lopez

Blue Kim

Bowie Jane

Cameron Hardin

Cirie Fields

Cory Wurtenberger

Felicia Cannon

Izzy Gleicher

Jared Fields

Matt Klotz

Mecole Hayes

Red Utley

Next, check out our interview with Hisam Goueli, who was evicted during Big Brother 25 Week 3.