Do Beyoncé Earrings Mean She's Having Boys?

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From Cosmopolitan

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Beyoncé’s life has provided inspiration for many insane conspiracy theories over the years, but that’s only because Beyoncé herself plans every single aspect of her career in meticulous detail. Her Grammys dress had her own face on it, for god’s sake! Nothing is by accident with Mrs. Carter.

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Photo credit: Getty

So it should come as no surprise that the BeyHive thinks Beyoncé has already revealed the sex of her twins via coded jewelry message. Followers of Beyoncé’s mom Ms. Tina Knowles’s Instagram may remember that Beyoncé recently attended her stepdad Richard Lawson’s birthday party. Later, Beyoncé took to her website to post photos of her party look, which consisted of a black velvet minidress, black boots, and a black Gucci bag that I would very much like sent to my home if anyone’s got an extra one lying around. But the most important component of this look was a big pair of earrings that the BeyHive noticed they had seen before - namely, in the 2008 music video for “If I Were a Boy.”

To the casual observer, these earrings are just earrings, but again, nothing about Beyoncé is casual. This woman probably never even wears the same pair of underwear twice, and yet here she is repeating a pair of earrings nine years after she first wore them? It could be a coincidence, or a totally different pair of earrings that just look like the “If I Were a Boy” ones, but you can see why a devoted theorist might interpret them as something else. Remember too that Instagram sleuths also think Beyoncé hinted at her twins back in December by holding up two fingers in photos, and there’s really no evidence that they were wrong (or that they were right, but go with it). The moral of this story is that Beyoncé has probably told you everything you ever needed to know about her via her outfits but you just weren’t paying attention.

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