What Better Way to Surprise Rachael on Her 50th Birthday Than With 50 PUPPIES?!

What Better Way to Surprise Rachael on Her 50th Birthday Than With 50 PUPPIES?!

When Rachael turned the BIG 5-0 in 2018 and we threw her a big bash for our Season 13 premiere episode, there was only one was to celebrate ...

With a SURPRISE, of course! (One of MANY...)

This is the "Rachael Ray" show, after all!

And what kind of surprise, you ask? (Well, we're looking back on it in honor of our Season 15 premiere on September 14, 2020.)

Oh, just the kind that Rach loves most of all: a PUPPY surprise!

That's right, in honor of Rachael's special 50th birthday episode, Emeril, Beth Stern, and a whole slew of people from our beloved North Shore Animal League America stormed the stage with no less than 50 puppies — that were rescued in Rach's honor, at that!

The birthday of DREAMS, are we right?!

As her husband, John, noted right before the puppies made their big entrance, thanks to her pet food line Nutrish, Rach has been able to donate MILLIONS of dollars to helping animals. So if anyone deserves a birthday puppy parade, it's definitely our girl.

But of course, Rachael couldn't cuddle all the adoptable pups without reminding everyone in the audience (all 50-year-old birthday boys and girls, too!) and at home that there's nothing quite like adopting a dog.

"Nothing in the world would make every person on this stage happier than, if you're watching, to give all these loving animals a home," said Rach, choking up. "You'll live longer as humans and you'll be better humans if you put an animal in your lives."

We couldn't agree more, Rach!

If you want information about any of the many dogs and cats available at North Shore Animal League America, click here to be taken directly to their website.