The best and worst foods to eat during your period

While it may be tempting to dive head first into a bag of cookies at the onset of your period, its important to remember that what you put into your body ahead of and during your menstrual cycle can make a big difference in how you feel. Katie Bressack, a holistic nutritionist who specializes in women’s hormonal health, encourages women to eat “lots of veggies and fruit” to replace any lost “vitamins and minerals your body needs” at that time of the month. Even before you start bleeding, what you put into your body can affect everything from your mood to how intense your cramps are. Bressack recommends eating a mix of “healthy fats with proteins and lots of fiber at every meal” and suggests avoiding certain items, like refined sugar and dairy products. Still not sure what to eat? Here’s a breakdown of some of the best and worst foods for your period.