The Best Wedding Stationery Websites for Designing Your Own Invitations

Picking the perfect wedding invitation may be just a matter of point and click. Opting for an invitation design from one of the top wedding stationery websites allows you to get professional printing and a cohesive look for everything from save-the-dates to menu cards to thank-you notes.

For some of these wedding stationery websites, you can even have the printer assemble and address the invites—so you just have to choose a pretty stamp and send them on their way.

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An array of independent designers are featured on this sleek stationery site, where you can find everything from vintage looks to sleek, modern options.

Minted Wedding Invitation
Minted Wedding Invitation


Etsy has a vast array of options, from DIY templates you can print yourself at home, to elaborate designs featuring laser cut paper, acrylic, or wood.

Etsy Wedding Invitation
Etsy Wedding Invitation


For wedding photo invitations, Shutterfly is the essential wedding stationery destination—but it also offers stylish non-photo designs as well.

Shutterfly Photo Wedding Invitation
Shutterfly Photo Wedding Invitation

Paper Source

This stylish wedding invitation site has plenty of unique and cool crafty options—like die-cut paper leaves and flowers, specialty paper, and washi tape—that you can use to enhance a more basic wedding stationery set.

Paper Source Floral Wedding Invitation
Paper Source Floral Wedding Invitation

Artifact Uprising

If you're looking for sleek, modern style invites, this is the place to start.

Modern Wedding Invitation
Modern Wedding Invitation


If you're looking for floral or botanical-themed invitations, this simple, sleek site might be your first stop.

Papier Floral Wedding Invitation
Papier Floral Wedding Invitation

Bliss & Bone

For the truly modern couple, Bliss & Bone has sleek wedding stationery designs, and can help you put together your wedding website and paperless invitations.

Bliss and Bone Wedding Invitation Website
Bliss and Bone Wedding Invitation Website

Tips for DIYing Your Wedding Invitations

If you don't want an out-of-the-box invite, there are plenty of options to add a little something to dress up your standard invitation.

"The DIY element of invitations is really emphasized now," says Nancy Laboz, owner of Parcel, a stationery boutique in Montclair, N.J. "It's all about having the wedding that you really want, and caring about the details that you really want." Here's where to start.

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Find your inspiration

Most couples look for something that represents their personalities and passions, the style of their celebration, or even something that showcases their wedding destination.

Pinterest still tends to be a source of invitation inspiration, but couples should be careful about falling in love with a photograph. "The results look really simple, but what's in that photo, may actually be a very elaborate process—handmade, delicate dried flowers pressed in, and a million steps and cost involved," Laboz says.

If your dream wedding invites seem a little too hard to pull off, narrow it down a bit. "Invest in one element—the paper, having someone create artwork for you," she says. "One element is the splurge element."

Find elements to personalize your invitation

Your stationer may have plenty of decorative options, such as wax seals, ribbons, and mounting paper or wraps. But you can also consider looking further afield. "Maybe they go and gather shells to add a beautiful seaside element," Laboz says. "Heirlooms could be utilized—a swatch from an old dress or veil. Reusing vintage things is our take on recycling."

Just keep in mind that you'll need to source enough of whatever special element you're using—so if you'll need 100 invitations for your 250-person wedding, you'll need to make sure you can find 100 pieces of antique lace or wildflowers.

Keep the time commitment in mind

Depending on the size of your guest list and how elaborate you want to go with your wedding invitations, you might be looking at putting in a significant amount of time on your DIY project. Assembling your invites could take a few weeks or a few months, depending on how elaborate you choose to go, Laboz says.