The Best Ways to Clean Your Home’s Baseboards

We might only focus on baseboard dusting when we're expecting houseguests (😂) but boy, do we look for ways to make it an easy chore. Household baseboards are usually an afterthought, plus cleaning them can be tedious, but dusty baseboards sure make a home look unkempt.

We're covering how to do a light cleaning, plus sharing tips for a deeper clean, and how to get into the tight corners. Set a recurring calendar reminder to manage dust buildup every other month!

You'll Use

  • Vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment

  • Fresh dryer sheets

  • Assorted cloths and sponges

  • Water

  • Liquid dish soap (or all-purpose cleaner)

  • Magic Eraser

  • Cotton swabs

  • White vinegar

  • Touch-up paint (if needed)

1. Wipe Dry Dust Off the Baseboards

  • Are you doing a light cleaning? A dryer sheet may be all you need to capture light dust and dirt. Run it along the surfaces of your baseboards and any other dusty moulding, and it'll lift the dust.

  • Is the dust bad? Use the vacuum cleaner's brush attachment and extendable wand to remove loose dust and dirt from the baseboards. Work your way around the room, paying extra attention to corners and crevices.

  • Scuffs? Use a melamine sponge (a clean Magic Eraser) to buff them out before you wash the entire baseboard.

2. Wash Baseboards With This Cleaning Solution

  • Dip a clean cloth or sponge a the bucket of warm water mixed with all-purpose cleaner or a tablespoon of liquid dish soap.

  • Wring out excess soapy water.

  • Wipe down the grimy baseboards, starting at one corner of the room, working your way all around the perimeter.

  • Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently and change the cleaning water if it becomes dirty.

3. Target the Corners and Edges

  • Dust buildup in tight corners can be hard to get with a cloth. Instead, dip a cotton swab in a 1:1 mix of hot water and white vinegar. The vinegar solution will make it much easier to clean stuck-on dirt, and can save you some elbow grease.

4. Go Back Over the Surfaces with a Clean, Damp Microfiber Cloth

  • Soak a dry microfiber cloth in fresh water.

  • Wring it out to avoid drips.

  • Wipe over the baseboards once more time with the clean cloth to lift any residual dust, grime, or cleaner residue.

5. Dry Baseboards and Touch Up as Needed

  • Once the baseboards are clean, use a dry towel to remove any excess moisture.

  • Use fresh paint to touch up chipped paint, if necessary.

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How often should I clean my baseboards?

Aim for once every few months, but keep in mind that the foot traffic in the room, the presence of pet fur, and your indoor air quality can be good enough reasons to do it more often.

Can I use the same cleaning solution and method for both painted and wood baseboards?

If the wood is sealed, yes, the methods we reviewed will be safe for your wood baseboards. If you're not sure if they are sealed, just dust them with a dry towel.

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