The Best Way to Wash Produce to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Photo credit: 10'000 Hours - Getty Images
Photo credit: 10'000 Hours - Getty Images

From Men's Health

People are changing their hand washing, laundry, and eating habits in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. But the fear of getting sick by eating contaminated fruits and vegetables has led to some questionable cleaning practices, such as washing produce with soap or diluted chlorine—or even spraying their food with Lysol.

"Do not do that," warns Benjamin Chapman, Ph.D., food safety expert at North Carolina State University.

According to its manufacturer, Lysol isn't meant to be ingested, and using it to wash vegetables could make you really sick, says Chapman.

However, washing your fruits and vegetables is important. Harmful bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, and Norovirus can live on foods, especially lettuce, sprouts, and melon.

Coronavirus doesn't change the rules of washing produce, says Chapman. There's no evidence that you can contract it from food, so experts recommend you continue to follow food safety practices as you normally would, he explains.

Here's how to wash your fruits and vegetables to wash away dirt, bacteria, and pesticides.

Start with clean hands and surfaces

Washing your produce is pointless if your hands, utensils, or cutting boards are dirty. The Food & Drug Administration recommends washing your hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after touching food. You should wash all kitchen supplies, such as knives and colanders, with hot soapy water after every use to avoid cross-contamination.

Be sure to dry hands using a clean towel, says Donald Schaffner, Ph.D., a food safety expert at Rutgers University.

As an extra step, think about the towel you use to wash produce. For example, a cloth that does double duty to dry counters is likely dirtier than one dedicated to clean hands. Schaffner suggests changing cloth towels every two to three days.

For things like handling meat, he suggests using paper towels to wipe hands.

Wash fruits and vegetables just before eating

As is the case with meal prepping, you might think pre-washing a container of berries for easier use or snacking during the week is a smart strategy—but it's not, according to Chapman.

Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, harmless bacteria, and oil that prevent mold and yeast from growing, Chapman explains. Washing them ahead of time removes some of that protection.

Wash fruits and vegetables with water

Just to reiterate: It is dangerous to wash produce with chlorine or other chemical cleaners.

Soap is less problematic, but its residue may stick to your food—despite thorough washing.

"If you ingest soap it can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea," says Schaffner.

Your best bet is to wash produce under cold water for as long as you're patient—there is no recommended length of time, says Chapman.

Water alone removes about 99% of dirt and possible contaminants, so there's no need for vinegar or store-bought produce solutions.

"We can’t do any better than that in our homes," says Chapman.

Some people like to soak their leafy greens, but the practice could increase your risk of foodborne illness, according to Chapman.

"If I soak lettuce, and I have one leaf that has contamination on it—and I don't rinse well—then I have multiple leaves that could be contaminated," he says.

Know when to scrub fruits and vegetables

Studies show that friction produced when drying your hands on paper towel removes additional bacteria, and the same is likely true for produce, says Schaffner.

Firm foods, like cucumbers, should be scrubbed using a clean brush, according to the FDA.

And melons, particularly cantaloupe, should always be scrubbed prior to rinsing, says Chapman.

"That netting [on cantaloupe] can definitely hide pathogens," he explains.

Break out the brush when eating raw foods grown directly on the ground—as long as they can withstand a good rub.

Bottom line:

Washing fruit and vegetables can prevent some pretty harmful bacteria from getting inside your body—but there's no need to be overzealous about your technique.

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