The Best Way to Protect Your Skin in the Winter

Whether you call a cold city home or you’re basking in the cold on a fun ski vacation, you should always strive to protect your skin from harsh winter conditions. It’s been proven that winter weather is tough on our skin. Humidity is low, meaning the air is drier. Dry conditions strip away the body’s natural oils, and, if proper measures aren’t taken, can lead to cracked, rough skin. Dressing accordingly and investing in a thick cream can help you maintain healthy, glowing skin. But using this one product to protect your skin could also save your life.

Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

A common misunderstanding is that sunscreen should be saved for the summer. It makes sense to protect your skin from the sun when you’re hanging poolside or lounging at the beach on a warm summer day. But if you plan to venture outdoors for winter activities like skiing or snowboarding, sunscreen is a necessity.

Applying sunscreen is important even in the winter. Here are some other important winter skin care tips to use all season long.