The Best Vacation to Take at Every Stage of Your Relationship

Traveling together is one of the best ways to test your relationship. (OMG if he takes one more selfie in front of a street sign, I will break up with him this instant.) But the perfect couples' trip really depends on where you are in your journey together. Here are the best ones to take at every single stage of your relationship.

RELATED: The Best Trips to Take in Your 20s, 30s, 40s and Beyond

After a Few Months of Dating: A local Airbnb

It’s your first trip together—the time to see whether he leaves the toilet seat up and if you can handle being with him for 48 hours straight. Go somewhere stress-free and local, like a cozy ski cabin or lake house.

How about: Renting a place online? (We love HomeAway and Airbnb.)

Once You've Made Things Official: A New City

Yay! You’re a legit couple. Time to see how you tackle a new city together for a long weekend getaway.

How about: Nashville or Austin. Bring on the honky-tonk and pulled-pork sandwiches.

For Your One-Year Anniversary: A Weeklong International Adventure

Get a feel for how cranky he gets after a red-eye, how he handles foreign currency and how the two of you get along in close quarters for an extended period of time.

How about: London or Montreal. Out of the country but not totally off the grid.

Before You Move in Together: A Place Where Nobody Speaks English

Navigating a translation barrier together will let you gauge how well you and your future roomie work through challenges. 

How about: Cartagena. If he can brush up on that high school Spanish and order two mojitos, he’s a keeper.

Right After You're Engaged: An Affordable Getaway

Holy crap, planning a wedding is expensive—we're looking at you, $1,500 floral arrangement. Still, you need a vacation. (Riiiiight?)

How about: Jamaica. Cheap flights, budget resorts and the crystal Caribbean Sea. Hey, maybe you should just elope while you’re at it…

RELATED: The 8 Most Romantic Getaways in the World

When You Get Pregnant: A Luxurious Spa

Go somewhere super-relaxing and stunning. Then bring on the prenatal massages.

How about: Park City, Utah. Amazing food, a gorgeous natural setting and some of the best spas in the country.

After a Year of Parenthood: A No-Agenda Beach

Parenting is tough, huh? After a year of changing diapers, you deserve a little slice of paradise.

How about: Bermuda, which still feels like a getaway but isn’t so far that you can’t leave the baby behind with your mom and dad.

For Your Five-Year Wedding Anniversary: Somewhere Romantic

Five years of marriage calls for a little time to yourselves...and lots of vino.

How about: Paris, of course. 

RELATED: How to Spend the Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Paris

When You've Got the Kiddos in Tow: An Activity-Friendly Beach

When the little ones are thoroughly entertained all day, you can almost relax and enjoy yourself.

How about: Hawaii. Rainforests. Boogie boarding. Coconuts. Done.

RELATED: The 12 Best Islands in the Whole Entire World

For Your 20th Wedding Anniversary: Something Majestic

The kids are out of the house! The mortgage is paid off! (Kind of…) You made it! Take a month-long journey to part of the world you’ve never been to—and go semi-permanently off the grid while you’re there.

How about: Asia. Or Africa. Or Antarctica. The world is your oyster. 

RELATED: 21 Places in the World You Must Visit at Least Once