Our Best Laundry Tips to Keep Your Clothes and Linens Looking Good as New

You work hard to maintain your home—which is why working smart, especially when it comes to laundry, is so important. To help you out, we've culled some of the best laundry how-tos and innovative tips that'll reduce your time in the laundry room and leave your clothes looking as good as new. A piece of advice to start: Don't skip the prep work—take a peek at clothing labels for washing instructions.

While your washing machine will be doing the brunt of the work, some articles of clothing will require more of your attention. Keep in mind that delicate fabrics, like silk or linen, shouldn't be tossed into the same load as more durable pieces like cotton. Although you sometimes do need to dry clean, many stains and odors can be treated with household products you already have. Ahead, we'll explain how to launder all kinds of textiles, including the special ones.