This Is the Best Time to Mow a Lawn—and the Worst

<p>owngarden / Getty Images</p>

owngarden / Getty Images

The best time to mow a lawn is between 8:30 am and 1:00 pm in the summer. In the cooler months before and after summer, wait until around 10:30 am to start mowing. Mow as late as 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm in these cool months.

Best Time to Mow a Lawn


Best Time to Mow


8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Before or after summer

10:30 am to 4:00 pm

The best time to mow a lawn is after all or most of the dew has evaporated but before the hottest point of the day. After dew point (around sunrise), wait several hours for the dew to evaporate to start mowing.

In the hottest months of June, July, and August, wait about four hours or as long as needed. In the cooler months of April, May, and September, wait five or more hours.

Early evening, before dark settles, is another good time to mow a lawn. By this time, much of the day's heat has dissipated, yet nighttime moisture has not yet developed.


When mowing in the evening, aim to finish on the earlier side as a courtesy to neighbors. Some areas may have noise abatement ordinances, too.

Why You Shouldn't Mow a Wet Lawn

Moisture is a problem for mowing a lawn because:

  • Flat, heavier grass resists drawing into the cutting blade.

  • Wet clippings bag poorly.

  • Unbagged clippings clump instead of scattering evenly.

  • Mower wheels create deep ruts.

  • Slippery grass is unsafe for walking.

Best Times to Start Mowing

Sunrise is when dew is at its heaviest. Since sunrise changes through the year, you'll need to adjust your mowing start time based on the sunrise. During the six months of prime lawn mowing season, sunrise varies by as much as two hours.


Start Mowing


10:40 am


10:00 am


8:30 am


8:30 am


9:00 am


10:30 am

Times are based on sunrise times averaged across all four U.S. time zones. To determine start times, a four hour wait time is added for June, July, and August. Five hours are added for April, May, and September.

Worst Time to Mow a Lawn

The worst time to mow a lawn is from sunrise to mid-morning.

Temperatures drop to their lowest just before sunrise, creating dew. For the next several hours, the dew will remain on the ground until it evaporates.

Another poor time to mow a lawn is from around 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm to sunset, in the summer. Temperatures peak around 3:00 to 4:00 pm, continuing until the sun sets. High temperatures can cause health problems when engaging in strenuous activities like lawn mowing.

Best Season to Mow a Lawn


Times to Mow Each Month

What to Do


0 to 2

Mow, clean yard, and de-thatch.

April to June

4 to 6

Mow at least once a week. Fertilize in May and June.

July to September


Mow once a week. Fertilize.


2 to 3

Last mow or two before the grass stops growing.

November to February


Do not mow. Keep snow and debris off of lawn.

The best season to mow a lawn stretches from April to September. This six-month period from spring to early fall is when the lawn grows most vigorously and when it needs the most attention.


"Mow tall until fall" is a rule of thumb that helps you prepare your summer lawn for fall and winter dormancy. Cut the grass blades at about 2.5 to 3 inches high to keep the turf stronger and to minimize the possibility of mold, fungus, or pest problems.

Worst Season to Mow a Lawn

The worst season to mow a lawn is from November to February.

This four-month period encompasses all of winter and some of the fall. The lawn has stopped growing, so mowing is unnecessary. Mowing during this period might even damage the dormant lawn.

The last half of the summer is also a poor season for mowing—from a safety standpoint. The hottest days of the year start after the summer solstice. If you are heat-averse, consider hiring a professional lawn maintenance company for the second half of the summer, or consider the benefits of buying a riding lawn mower.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to cut grass with morning dew?

No, it is not okay to cut grass with morning dew. When you cut grass with morning dew, the wheels of the mower create grooves in the lawn, the grass does not stand upright for cutting, and the grass clippings do not easily bag. It's usually best to mow a lawn when the grass is dry.

Can I mow wet grass with an electric mower?

You should not mow wet grass with an electric mower because you shouldn't mow wet grass at all. Wet grass is heavy and it lies flat, so the mower can't pick it up. Wet grass doesn't mulch well, nor does it bag well. Manufacturers of both corded and cordless electric mowers recommend against operating in damp or wet grass.

Read Next: When Is the Best Time to Prune Evergreen Shrubs?

Read the original article on The Spruce.