The Best Safety Razor Blades, According to Barbers

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Every guy thinking about the best safety razor blades is already achieving a high-quality shave with a safety razor. But it makes sense to wonder: Is there such a thing as a “best” safety razor blade? The short answer, and hopefully a relieving one, is no.

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Though blades obviously play a role in shaving and are indeed different, other factors like skin sensitivity, hair coarseness, shave technique, safety razor design, and the use of other grooming products like shaving cream play equal roles. The subjective shave experience is more important than objective criteria, in this case at least.

Guys should buy the safety razor blades they like because a blade’s effectiveness may vary from beard to beard. Most are pretty similar; they’re made of stainless steel with a platinum or chromium coating for rust prevention and offer the same benefits of an excellent shave and a reduced environmental impact.

But for the guys always on the hunt for something better, or newly minted wet shavers testing the waters, the experts agree on a short list of the best safety razor blades for a close, even shave. They are cheap, costing 8 cents on the low end and up to 20 cents per blade with premium quality. They’re also very easy to acquire and widely available.

What the Experts Say

SPY spoke with five experts to pick their brains on their favorite safety razor blades, including master barber Cody Renegar, professional barbers Jomo Kenyatta and Sunny Kambo, shave expert and Cut Throat Club director Tom Yates, and board-certified dermatologist Dr. Anna Chacon.

Unsurprisingly, not one identified a safety razor blade that they considered the objective “best,” though more than one agreed on a handful of top brands. Beyond that, most had similar advice: They noted that using a safety razor is already great for shaving and that most blades are decent, if a little different, recommending that any guy dissatisfied with his shave simply try another blade. “The best [blade] for a particular person depends on their specific needs, such as their skin type, hair type, experience with wet shaving, and budget,” Chacon says.

“There can be quite a difference between replacement razor blades,” Yates adds. “There’s no one size fits all for choosing a razor blade, so you need to try out a few different brands to see which one works best for your hair type.”

Perhaps the most telling takeaway is that multiple experts here acknowledged that razor blades are different, with some sharper than others, and yet they still have personal favorites that they’ve stood by for decades. Anecdotally, most guys are the same, but jury’s still out on whether that’s the razor blade itself or that men are creatures of habit.

Astra Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades
Astra Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades


Astra Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

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Price: $9.99 $8.69

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Calling any safety razor blade the best overall is a stretch, but the Astra Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor blades are the closest thing we got to a consensus. Though some blades are sharper and cost less per blade, Astra tops the list thanks to its cheap price, wide availability, and middle-of-the-road shave that’s neither dull nor too sharp. “Astra blades are great quality, durable, and cheap, and they give a smooth shave,” says Renegar.

Kambo calls them “decent,” adding they’re popular in barbershops, economical, and suitable for quick touch-ups if not a comprehensive shave.

That’s Astra’s calling card: never glowing but never bad, always predictable and reliable. That also explains why Astra’s safety razor blades are by far the most popular on Amazon, with tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Whether for beginners or experienced wet shavers, they simply get the job done and on the cheap too, costing less than 9 cents per blade.

Feather Double Edge Safety Razor Blades
Feather Double Edge Safety Razor Blades


Feather Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

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Price: $11.50

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Why It Stands Out: Feather Safety Razor Blades are universally considered the sharpest razor blades on the market. Feather blades are Kambo’s favorite for personal and professional use. “Feather is unparalleled in quality and offers a superior shaving experience,” he says.

ROI: Though experts acknowledge Feather’s top-of-the-line sharpness, they also note Feather blades are easily the most expensive, costing around $1 per blade, thanks to detail-oriented Japanese manufacturing.

Hot Take: “Feather blades are gentle but sharp and last forever, but they are pretty expensive,” Renegar says. For guys willing to pay, Feather has the long-standing sharpest safety razor blades available. Counter-intuitively, they’re great for sensitive skin in the hands of a pro; on the flip side, the experts cautioned that rookies should start elsewhere because a Feather blade in unsteady hands could result in a nasty cut.

Derby Extra Double Edge Razor Blades
Derby Extra Double Edge Razor Blades


Derby Extra Double Edge Razor Blades

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Price: $9.90 $7.99

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Why It Stands Out: Derby is, arguably, the second most popular brand of safety razor blades and is used by professionals and personal shavers alike. That’s because, experts say, Derby blades are similar to Astra blades in that they’re cheap and reliable, if not quite as sharp. “These are known to offer a very smooth shave, however, they’re not the sharpest blades around,” Yates says. “If you don’t have your technique nailed they can sometimes pull a bit.” Renegar echoes that. “Derby blades give a smooth shave without irritation, but they’re not very sharp and only last a few shaves,” he adds.

ROI: Derby takes the crown for the cheapest blades, with 100 blades costing around $8, yielding a rock-bottom price of 8 cents per blade, which is slightly cheaper than Astra’s 9 cents per blade. In other words, Derby’s safety razor blades offer the best possible ROI.

Hot Take: Derby blades are similar enough to Astra’s that Kambo even made the comparison. “[They’re] slightly better than Astra but in the same ballpark,” he says. Kenyatta goes further, saying, “[They’re] the sharpest and easiest blades I’ve dealt with so far.” In other words, Derby blades are decent overall, roughly as sharp and durable as Astra, and a little cheaper, making them a great pick for newbies or even working barbers like Kenyatta.

100 Excellent Quality Double Edge Razor Blades Sampler 16 Different Brands
100 Excellent Quality Double Edge Razor Blades Sampler 16 Different Brands


100 Excellent Quality Double Edge Razor Blades Sampler (16 Different Brands)

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Price: $14.99

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Why It Stands Out: When in doubt, a sampler pack can be a convenient way to test out different options on the cheap. “Choosing the right blade is a matter of trial and error,” Yates says. “I would recommend purchasing some of the many ‘taster packs’ that are available with a mixture of different blades. That way you can experiment to find the one that provides the best shave for your skin/hair etc…”

ROI: Strictly on dollars, this sampler doesn’t offer a great ROI, delivering 100 blades for $15. However, the ability to try multiple brands can be worth it for a shaver looking to explore.

Hot Take: This pack features blades from all the top brands and then some, including Astra, Feather, Derby, Personna, Gillette, Wilkinson Sword, Dorco, Shark and more. Most guys would be fine with any of the top picks here, but for super green shavers, this test pack won’t break the bank and will still deliver hundreds of shaves.

Frequently Asked Questions About Safety Razor Blades

Why use a safety razor and safety razor blades?

Experts generally point to three benefits: a better shave, a cheaper/more economical shave, and less impact on the environment with significantly less plastic involved in safety razors and blades. “Nowadays, there’s a resurgence in appreciation for vintage methods, not to mention that it’s more economical,” Kambo says. “I personally prefer them because they yield exceptionally crisp lines.”

Yates adds, “The biggest reason [for me] is that it’s more environmentally friendly. Think about that first disposable razor you first used and threw away. That thing is still in existence somewhere and will be for years to come!”

How should I dispose of safety razor blades?

Carefully! Yates recommends using a razor disposal case of some kind. If one isn’t available, he recommends wrapping or securing the blade with thick paper or cardboard and labeling it with “used blades” for extra security. From there, he suggests dropping it off at a hazardous waste facility or metal recycling plant. If that isn’t possible, check local regulations for guidance as some locales prohibit the disposal of safety razor blades in regular trash.

Do safety razor blades require care and maintenance? Can they be sharpened?

There’s nothing special to do here for maintenance beyond normal safety razor care: Rinse the blade and razor, pat it dry and apply a little oil for absolute best results, Yates advises.

As for blade sharpening, experts don’t recommend it because the blades weren’t designed for it and sharpening isn’t economical for blades at this price point. “Given their affordability, it’s more practical to replace them rather than attempting to sharpen them, which can be tricky,” Kambo says. “Moreover, sharpening can remove protective coatings, resulting in a less comfortable shave.”

How long will a single safety razor blade last?

There’s no simple answer to this question because there are too many factors.  “Blade longevity varies depending on brand, use, storage, and hair/skin type,” Kambo says. “Coarse hair and incorrect use or storage can dull blades faster.” That being said, most blades are good for at least two uses, with potentially more or fewer uses depending on the usage conditions.

What are safety razor blades made out of? What are metals like platinum and chronium doing in the blades?

In the context of safety razors, blades are universally made from stainless steel for its durability and initial sharpness. Because the blades are meant to be thrown away or recycled, no other metals make sense.

As for platinum and chromium, they are often added as coatings to the blades because they drastically minimize the development of rust, which otherwise could appear quickly given the razor’s exposure to water.

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