The Best Natural Remedies To Eliminate Belly Fat, According To Experts

blonde woman measuring waist in the mirror
blonde woman measuring waist in the mirror

With the surge in weight loss surgeries and the search for faster medical ways to eliminate belly fat, it’s more important than ever to educate ourselves about the risks and consequences of going under the knife for a slim body. These quick-fix medical procedures may offer fast results, but they’re not for everyone, as there can be many underlying issues that arise post-surgery. A safer, more sustainable option is to look into natural remedies to take away belly fat. This approach will not only help you achieve your desired weight but also improve your overall wellbeing in a healthier manner in the long run.

We spoke to Lisa Richards, nutritionist from The Candida Diet, to learn about the best natural remedies to get rid of stomach fat. She revealed that a well-balanced diet, green tea, and adequate sleep can be the most impactful changes you can make in your daily routine to achieve a slimmer body and reduce belly fat. 

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet plays a fundamental role in supporting our overall health. Many various illnesses and health issues can be prevented if we eat nutrient-dense foods that regulate our energy levels, promote heart health, and assist in weight management.

Richards says, "Consuming a well-balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can aid in weight loss and reduce belly fat. Avoiding sugary foods, processed snacks, and excessive alcohol consumption is also beneficial."

Adopting a healthy diet is a great holistic approach to losing all that excess belly flab and will benefit your health in many more ways than just weight loss.

Green Tea

One of the greatest drinks to ever exist is green tea. It's packed with antioxidant properties, controls your insulin levels, and is known to help melt away stomach fat. This natural drink can lower stress levels by improving brain function and boosting your metabolism while burning fat at the same time.

Richards includes green tea in this list and explains why, "Drinking green tea, which contains catechins and caffeine, has been associated with increased fat burning and improved metabolism. It may help reduce belly fat when combined with a healthy diet and exercise." Incorporating green tea into your daily routine can be a tasty and beneficial way to shed some abdominal fat while also obtaining other health benefits that come with it.

Green tea can be drunk at anytime, whether in the morning or after your meal, and it tastes excellent with various treats, just make sure these sweet treats aren't added with too much sugar or are heavily processed.

Adequate Sleep

Sleep is a necessary act if we expect to be in top shape regarding our health. It's essential for restoration, improved cognitive processes, and maintaining energy levels so we can focus and have a productive day when we wake up.

Richards explains more about how something as simple as sleep can be a natural way to manage your weight and potentially lose some extra pounds, "Getting enough quality sleep (around 7-8 hours per night) is important for maintaining a healthy weight. Lack of sleep can disrupt appetite-regulating hormones and contribute to weight gain, including increased belly fat."

Overall, these natural remedies can aid in losing belly flab by working together and helping you see visible results in an all-natural manner instead of quick procedures that can have other side effects. "These natural remedies work by addressing various factors that contribute to belly fat accumulation. Regular exercise burns calories, increases metabolism, and promotes overall fat loss. A healthy diet provides essential nutrients, controls calorie intake, and reduces the consumption of foods that contribute to belly fat," Richards notes.

Tips For Incorporating Natural Remedies In Your Routine

Starting a healthy diet with natural approaches can be a challenge for a lot of people. It's hard to break out of your usual routine, but it's important to keep in mind the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle, as it can prevent many illnesses and chronic pains as we get older. Richards gives us some tips and tricks as to how we can go about including natural remedies in our diet and lifestyle.

The main takeaways are consistency, hydration, and minimizing sedentary activities. "Consistently following a healthy lifestyle is key. Adopting long-term habits rather than quick fixes is more effective in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Staying adequately hydrated supports overall health and can help with weight management. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking during breaks, or standing instead of sitting for extended periods," Richards concludes.