Here are the best native plants to put in your yard in Milwaukee

The birds and the butterflies, the deer and the bees, they love native plants.

It's that simple.

Homeowners can help by cultivating the best plant life. Following are some recommendations culled from recent Journal Sentinel reports.

Prairie plants

These 10 plants are recommended by Neil Diboll to help transform your yard into a beautiful, natural sanctuary that’s restorative for both people and wildlife. Diboll, who is a consulting ecologist and president of Prairie Nursery in Westfield, suggested these for a 2020 Journal Sentinel story about micro prairies.

  • Little bluestem (schizachyrium scoparium), blazing red fall color

  • Prairie dropseed (sporobolus heterolepis), elegant emerald clump

  • Butterfly weed for clay (asclepias tuberosa, var. clay), attracts monarchs

  • Smooth aster (aster laevis), late fall bloomer

  • Cream false indigo (baptisia bracteata), loved by bumblebees

  • Purple coneflower (echinacea purpurea), butterfly favorite

  • Rattlesnake master (eryngium yuccifolium), attracts beneficial insects

  • Prairie blazing star (liatris pycnostachya), beautiful lavender spires

  • Wild quinine (parthenium integrifolium), extra-long-bloomer

  • Ohio goldenrod (solidago ohioensis), compact pollinator favorite

Pollinator-friendly plants (that aren't weeds)

Diboll also was consulted for a 2021 article on pollinator-friendly plants that are often mistaken for weeds. He listed these:

  • Common milkweed, and other milkweeds, are “critical” late-season nectar sources for butterflies.

  • Canada goldenrod is a source of critical late-season food for wildlife.

  • New England aster is among the latest bloomers of the season, making it an important last nectar stop for migrating butterflies.

  • Jewelweed is a favorite of hummingbirds, and it can compete with invasive garlic mustard.

  • Woodland sunflower is a tall native perennial. Sparrows and finches love its seeds.

  • Golden Alexanders is a host plant for the swallowtail butterfly.

  • Virginia creeper produces fruits that are an important food source for birds.

  • Common elderberry fruit is a food source for birds, and its thickets provide habitat.

  • Silver maples provide food for a variety of animals.

  • Black cherry's fruits feed a variety of wildlife.

Plants that help bees

Susan Carpenter, plant curator at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum, suggested putting these plants in your yard to nourish native bees:

  • Early season: Virginia bluebells, shooting star, wild lupine, wood betony, serviceberry, willow

  • Midseason: white or cream false indigo, penstemon, Culver’s root, wild bergamot (superfood and immune builder), purple coneflower (superfood), leadplant (superfood), common milkweed, American basswood tree (“Do not skip that one. It’s huge, and they love it,” Carpenter said.)

  • Late season: bottle gentian, showy goldenrod (superfood), New England aster (superfood), white turtlehead (immune builder)

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Best native plants to put in your Milwaukee, Wisconsin, yard