The Best All-Mountain Wide Skis of 2023

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If you're a soft-snow connoisseur or just prefer a wide platform for everything you encounter at the resort, you need an all-mountain wide ski in your life. The skis in the All-Mountain Wide category are slightly girthier than your typical all-mountain ski--typically 100-107mm--and usually feature a more pronounced rocker profile than their all-mountain counterparts. Wide all-mountain skis are ideal for skiers who are lucky enough to ski deep, soft snow more often than not, but they also cater to East Coast powderhounds and Western skiers who prefer float over finesse. With a wider waist and more rocker, you sacrifice some edging capabilities, but many skiers think the crud-busting and surfing abilities you get in return are well worth the trade-off. If you find yourself in that camp, check out the 14 unisex all-mountain wide skis that performed best at SKI's 2023 gear test in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Looking for the best women's all-mountain wide skis of 2023? Check those out here.

How We Test

The following skis appear in ranked order, with the ski that tested best at SKI's 2023 gear test in Sun Valley listed at the top. At the top of each ski review, we list the ski's overall score, a product of how 12 testers (male and female) scored the ski across nine different skills categories: Crud Performance, Versatility, Flotation, Stability at Speed, Quickness, Responsiveness, Playfulness, Forgiveness, and Hard-Snow Integrity.

Go deeper: Learn more about SKI's testing and ranking system

SKI's scoring system exists to determine and call attention to the skis that most impressed testers, a crew of ski industry professionals, and advanced and expert skiers from across the country. We believe these skis set the benchmark for what an all-mountain wide ski is designed to do: bust up crud and float in pow, yet still hold its on firm snow and in variable terrain. That said, remember that ski testing (and skiing) is somewhat subjective. While we're big fans of the category-winning Volkl Mantra 102, it may not be the best choice for every skier. So don't just look at a ski's score--read our testers' feedback to understand the nuances of each ski and who it's best suited to. Otherwise, you might wind up with a great ski, just not the right ski for you.

Meet the Testers

Sam Cox

Age: 42 | Height: 6'2" | Weight: 195 lbs

Born and raised in Montana, Cox was first introduced to sliding on snow at Big Sky and immediately fell in love. He has skied extensively in North America, Europe, and Scandinavia and has called Bridger Bowl home since 1986. His gear reviews and editorial work appeared in Powder for a decade, and he is the author of Stepping Up--A Guide to The Ridge at Bridger Bowl.

Lily Krass

Age: 36 | Height: 5'8" | Weight: 110 lbs

Krass is a freelance ski journalist based in Jackson, Wyoming with work featured in SKI, Powder Magazine, Freeskier, Teton Gravity Research, and Ascent Backcountry Snow Journal. She spends winters backcountry skiing in Grand Teton National Park and riding lifts at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, with the occasional trip to the Alps (for the food, obviously)

Jon Sexauer

Age: 35 | Height: 5'7" | Weight: 150 lbs

A self-proclaimed gear nerd when it comes to skis and mountain bikes, Sexauer grew up skiing in Northern California, spending the majority of his time getting loose and sendy in terrain parks. He now lives in Colorado and calls Copper Mountain his home hill. Though he still gravitates towards playful and wide all-mountain skis, he's developed a more open mind when it comes to skis since joining SKI's official gear test crew five seasons ago. These days, you'll find him ripping around Copper on his trusty Nordica Enforcer 100s.

Reviews: The Best All-Mountain Wide Skis of 2023

No. 1: Volkl Mantra 102 ($800)

Volkl Mantra 102
(Photo: Kevin Zansler)

Overall score: 8.59/10
Lengths (cm): 170, 177, 184, 191
Dimensions (mm): 142-102-124
Radius (m): 16
Pros: Stability at speed, Responsiveness
Quickness, Forgiveness

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With so many exceptional all-mountain-wide skis on the market, to have the Mantra 102 be such a standout is a testament to Volkl's commitment to their craft. According to tester Peter Nestor, a Sun Valley local, "It's the benchmark of the category." The Mantra 102 was voted the best all-mountain wide ski of 2023 after impressing testers across all nine scoring categories, but particularly in the Versatility, Stability at Speed, and Responsiveness departments. With a poplar/beech wood core, full-height sidewalls, a Titanal frame, and carbon in the tip to reduce swing weight and improve torsional rigidity, this ski was built from the inside-out to be an allrounder, and testers raved about its performance and energy in soft snow, hardpack, and crud. "This is one of the best skis I've been on in years," said Montana-based tester Sam Cox." Its relatively long effective edge is tailored toward edge hold on natural snow and demolishing crud, though tip rocker and its middle-of-road waist width provide enough surface area to smoothly sail through fresh powder. Its only shortcoming is that it's not exactly forgiving. It takes a confident skier with advanced skills to unlock this ski's full potential. That said, strong intermediates who aren't afraid of putting in some work will find it a very dependable and confidence-inspiring all-mountain ski. If it's time to upgrade your quiver with a wider all-mountain tool, look no further.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 2: Rossignol Sender 106 Ti+ ($900)

2023 Rossignol Sender 106 Ti+
(Photo: Courtesy Rossignol)

Overall score: 8.35/10
Lengths (cm): 180, 187, 194
Dimensions (mm): 138-106-128
Radius (m): 21
Pros: Playfulness, Quickness
Hard-snow integrity, Stability at speed

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It's rare to come across a ski that's intuitive for the user on the first run, but that's the Sender 106 Ti+. This season's model picks up from previous iterations and continues to provide an experience tailored around effortless turn initiation, liveliness, and a flat-out good time. Featuring a responsibly sourced, PEFC-certified poplar core, a carbon layers, and an adjusted Titanal beam, this ski harnesses ample power and dampens harsh feedback. "The more variables in the snow, the steadier it stayed," commented tester Matt Schiller, a professional boot fitter from Utah. As you push the ski, it becomes more energetic and performs better. Skiers with a playful and relaxed style will be at home on the Sender 106 Ti+, but a word of caution to the aggressive skiers and ex-racers out there: It is possible to overpower this ski on firm snow. However, if you consider yourself a creative skier and look at the mountain as your canvas, the Sender 106 Ti+ is your brush.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 3: Nordica Enforcer 104 Free ($800)

2023 Nordica Enforcer 104 Free
(Photo: Courtesy Nordica)

Overall score: 7.74/10
Lengths (cm): 165, 172, 179, 186, 191
Dimensions (mm): 135-104-124
Radius (m): 18.5
Pros: Hard-snow integrity, Stability at speed
Forgiveness, Playfulness

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The Nordica Enforcer series has been a dominating product line for years. Ultra dependable, solid, and predictable are the Enforcer 104 Free's signature qualities. The wood core, carbon reinforcement, and full-length sidewalls churn out horsepower, while significant effective edge, subtle tip rocker, and camber give it a refined feel that powerful skiers will find particularly enticing. The "Free" in this model's name indicates a turned-up tail to enhance versatility and playfulness; while this makes the ski more approachable, the 191cm-length still isn't for the faint of heart. But the more laps you put in on the 104 Free, the more it will resonate with you. It easily powers through cut-up snow without deflecting, provides substantial edge grip on groomers, and strikes just the right balance between beefy and buttery in any turn shape. "It's a fun, burly ski for the big dawg in your life," said tester and freeski coach Tommy Flitton, who spends his seasons at Snowbird and Alta. "If maximizing the day is your objective, the Enforcer 104 Free is the ski for you."

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 4: Salomon QST 106 ($900)

2023 Salomon QST 106
(Photo: Courtesy Salomon)

Overall score: 7.66/10
Lengths (cm): 157, 165, 173, 181, 189
Dimensions (mm): 139-106-126
Radius (m): 19
Pros: Versatility, Forgiveness
Hard-snow integrity, Stability at speed

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How do you improve the recipe for a ski that's already legendary? More flavor, better sauce. The QST is a standout thanks to innovative materials and construction technology that make it super reliable. A poplar wood core with full-length sidewalls and ABS underfoot translates to maneuverability, snap, and playfulness. Cork in the tip and tail reduces weight and absorbs vibrations, while carbon and flax are infused above the wood core for responsiveness and versatility. The finished product is an accessible ski that's full of pop. The QST 106 instills a sense of playfulness and relaxed skiing that boosts confidence. "Solid, chargeable, and really nimble for such a large platform," said tester Chad Jacob, a race coach from New York. For the 2023 season, the QST 106 is offered in a broader size range to accommodate a greater diversity of skiers. Aimed at being a one-ski quiver, it should satisfy everyone except those who find themselves on artificial snow daily.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 5: Armada Declivity 102 Ti ($950)

2023 Armada Declivity 102 Ti
(Photo: Courtesy Armada)

Overall score: 7.54/10
Lengths (cm): 172, 180, 188
Dimensions (mm): 136-102-126
Radius (m): 18.5
Pros: Crud performance, Responsiveness
Quickness, Playfulness

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Armada is a core brand with an offering for every type of skier on the mountain, and its Declivity 102 Ti is a directional charger with a robust build. A caruba wood core, full-length sidewalls, layered fiberglass, and layers of Titanal create uncompromising performance and feel. Camber underfoot and tip rocker paired with a flat tail enable the Declivity 102 Ti to flow through broken terrain while providing a stable platform that powers through crud. "Easy to manipulate in challenging conditions," noted tester Jon Sexauer, a Colorado-based skier with a soft-spot for wide skis that excel in crud. It's precise and nimble, with the perfect blend of dampness, stability at speed, and easy turn initiation. This ski is completely approachable for intermediate skiers, but has enough power under the hood to satisfy everyone except the most demanding former racers on the hill. Take control of your winter and grab a pair--you won't regret it.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 6: Elan Ripstick 106 ($950)

2023 Elan Ripstick 106
(Photo: Courtesy Elan)

Overall score: 7.42/10
Lengths (cm): 164, 172, 180, 188
Dimensions (mm): 143-106-120
Radius (m): 18.1
Pros: Hard-snow integrity, Crud performance
Playfulness, Forgiveness

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The Elan Ripstick 106 is happy to devour hard-packed groomers and firm, variable conditions, with tester Gabe Glosband describing it as a "chilled-out race ski" that he felt could "possibly be a daily driver for the West Coast skier." In the shorter lengths, the Ripstick 106 is a more nimble, energetic, and balanced ski, while testers on the longer versions identified it as more of a bruiser that wants to power down the fall line. In both camps, testers spoke to the ski's stability, which is due to the carbon reinforcement along the inside edges as well as carbon rods inserted into the wood core. Edge grip and stability on firm snow are the Ripstick 106's top strengths, making it a great choice for faster skiers who savor their turns and want a ski that provides confidence in variable snow and terrain. "It's a smooth, damp ride, and stays quiet on a firm edge," said Nestor.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 7: Blizzard Rustler 10 ($750)

2023 Blizzard Rustler 10
(Photo: Courtesy Blizzard)

Overall score: 7.32/10
Lengths: 164, 172, 180, 188
Dimensions (mm): 133-102-122.5
Radius (m): 17.5
Pros: Stability at speed, Crud performance
Playfulness, Quickness

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The consensus is that the Blizzard Rustler 10 rips; however, it helps if you have some strength or solid fundamentals to stay on top of it. Testers felt confident letting the ski run in wide-open spaces at high speeds, but noted it can feel a bit planky and unforgiving if you are lazy. The Rustler 10's rocker profile--a combination of tip and tail rocker with traditional camber underfoot--allows for quick turn initiation and release while at the same time providing strong grip when the ski is on edge. Several testers found the quick hookup to be a little unnerving, making the ski perhaps better suited to skiers with an upright stance than skiers who drive the skis from the front of their boots. The Rustler 10's ability to charge hard or slarve turns is what makes it so versatile and approachable for a wide spectrum of skiers looking to spend more time off-piste. "Stable with superior performance at speed," said Montana-based tester Sam Cox. "Aimed toward folks who want to go fast and have a blast."

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 8: RMU Apostle 106 ($799)

2023 RMU Apostle 106
(Photo: Courtesy RMU)

Overall score: 6.8/10
Lengths (cm): 176, 184, 192
Dimensions (mm): 140-106-126
Radius (m): 20m
Pros: Playfulness, Flotation
Hard-snow integrity, Stability at speed

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RMU's Apostle 106 is an intuitive all-mountain ripper that holds its own in crud and soft snow and is approachable for nearly every level of skier. Featuring a full poplar wood core with beech mount plate and extra thick ABS sidewalls, testers found it easy to tip on edge to initiate turns of all shapes and sizes. Turn radius could be changed easily by smearing and slashing, thanks to the low-rise tip and tail rocker. At high speeds on hardpack, testers noted the Apostle 106 tends to feel unstable and chattery, which may make it the wrong choice for ex-racers and hard chargers looking to ski only the steepest and gnarliest terrain. While the most-advanced skiers out there may be left wanting, testers agreed that the RMU was approachable, predictable, and fun. It's the type of ski that has you searching out little jumps off the side of the groomer or hooting and hollering off-piste as you navigate through moguls and trees. "This ski rips absolutely everything, from groomers to soft crud," said tester Courtney Harkins, an expert skier with a racing background. "It would make any turn shape you asked it to. I loved it."

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 9: Black Diamond Impulse 104 ($730)

2023 Black Diamond Impulse
(Photo: Courtesy Black Diamond)

Overall score: 6.68/10
Lengths (cm): 165, 172, 179, 186
Dimensions (mm): 136-104-123
Radius (m): 18
Pros: Versatility, Crud performance
Forgiveness, Hard-snow integrity

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As more skiers look to explore beyond the confines of the resort, there is a movement to find just one ski for both inbounds and backcountry use. Easy to manage in soft conditions, but not too heavy for some backcountry use, Black Diamond's Impulse 104 could easily fill that role. However, it does leave something to be desired in the hard-snow performance department. Testers found it excels in soft snow, where it can be finessed through bumps and trees or driven with power through crud. On hardpack, the Impulse 104 feels uncertain due to the amount of feedback that's transmitted, leading the tips to chatter and the ski to wander around underfoot. Still, as a one-ski quiver for resort and backcountry use, the Impulse 104 presents an inviting option for those who prioritize skiing soft snow over any other criteria. "Great for skiers out West looking for a ski that can dabble in the resort and the backcountry," said tester and SKI editor, Jenny Wiegand.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 10: 4FRNT MSP 107 ($749)

2023 4FRNT MSP 107
(Photo: Courtesy 4FRNT)

Overall score: 6.66/10
Lengths (cm): 175, 181, 187
Dimensions (mm): 138-107-128
Radius (m): 20
Pros: Flotation, Crud performance
Responsiveness, Forgiveness

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Strong skiers who want to ski anything and everything have a good option in the 4FRNT MSP 107. This ski definitely prefers playing in soft snow, though it allows you to push the speed limit with confidence in all conditions. On firm groomed terrain, the MSP still has enough edge hold to allow you to arc turns, but that's not why you buy a ski that's got a 107mm waist. When allowed to explore off-piste, this ski powers through the densest crud and breaks up refrozen mank with ease due to its burly construction, but also lets you slash a turn with confidence. It's geared towards expert skiers, who will immediately be able to unlock the MSP 107's full potential; strong intermediates may have to work a little harder to tap into this ski's ability, but even they will find it an approachable and confidence-inspiring all-mountain tool that will help them venture off the beaten path and work on their skills without punishment. "Great do-it-all option for strong skiers who prioritize skiing off-piste," noted Sexauer.

Read the full review for category scores, strengths, weaknesses, and tester feedback.

No. 11: Dynastar M-Free 99 ($800)

Dynastar M-Free 99
(Photo: Courtesy Dynastar)

Overall score: 6.64/10
Lengths (cm): 171, 179, 185
Dimensions (mm): 128-99-120
Radius (m): 17
Pros: Quickness, Forgiveness
Crud performance, Stability at speed

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Balanced and dependable, the Dynastar M-Free 99 impressed testers with its consistency in a variety of conditions--they found it solid underfoot in soft snow, windbuff, smeary corn, and even on hardpack. The 99mm waist and 17m turn radius contribute to a nimble feel that allows you to zip through tight trees and bumps without having to fight against the ski. You can thank the ski's lightweight poplar core and fiberglass laminate construction for that springy responsiveness. "I was pleasantly surprised at how intuitive this ski is," said Sexauer. "Groomers, thawed bumps, refrozen crud: The ski was happy to go wherever I pointed it and was reliable and forgiving enough to allow for some mistakes here and there." A few hard-charging testers noticed some tip chatter while railing groomers at high speeds, but as long as you aren't schussing down the hill at top velocity, the M-Free 99 is a smooth and reliable daily ripper for intermediate and advanced skiers.

No. 12: J Skis The Hotshot ($829)

J Skis The Hotshot
(Photo: Courtesy J Skis)

Overall score: 6.25/10
Lengths (cm): 170, 177, 183, 189
Dimensions (mm): 134-106-124
Radius (m): 18
Pros: Playfulness, Flotation
Crud performance, Stability at speed

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Designed for throwing down under the chairlift, the Hotshot scored high marks in Playfulness thanks to its uncanny ability to drop cliffs and boost off side hits. The 106mm waist puts it on the beefier end of the spectrum compared to other skis in its category but allows it to shine in sun-ripened corn and fresh snow. An energetic maple core and thin Titanal laminate contribute to a smooth, stable feel, with rockered tips that make it easy to throw the skis sideways. In fact, despite its girth, testers called it surprisingly nimble; it weaves through trees, bumps, and wiggles without having to force the ski around. On hardpack, testers noticed a speed limit, but the pivoty feel and forgiveness it offers won them over for its approachability, making it ideal for an intermediate and advanced skier who wants to get creative. "The ski is easy to break free and slide through the turn," remarked Sexauer. "It's not going to take off from under you and is predictable even if you make mistakes."

No. 13: Fischer Ranger 102 ($850)

Fischer Ranger 102
(Photo: Courtesy Fischer)

Overall score: 6.18/10
Lengths (cm): 155, 162, 169, 176, 183, 190
Dimensions (mm): 137-102-127
Radius (m): 18
Pros: Forgiveness, Quickness
Hard-snow integrity, Crud performance

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Compared to previous iterations, testers found the updated Ranger 102 more forgiving and intuitive thanks to tweaks in construction that make the ski both more dependable and accessible. It's nimble and agile in chopped-up crud and steep trees, and offers up a solid bite on hardpack and mild float in soft snow thanks to the 103mm waist and wide shovel. The size of the Titanal insert now varies in each model of the Ranger line (Ranger 90 to Ranger 116); the narrower skis feature a a longer layer of metal for enhanced hard-snow performance whereas the fatter skis include a shorter layer for more maneuverability and playfulness in varied terrain. Most testers were happy with the update. "I feel like Fischer has always done a great job of creating an approachable and reliable ski for a wide variety of ski abilities, and the Ranger 102 is not straying from that approach," said Sexauer. "It's a great, confidence-inspiring ski that can open up the possibilities beyond groomers for intermediates looking to advance and start seeing the mountain in a different way.

No. 14: Kastle ZX100

Kastle ZX100
(Photo: Courtesy Kastle)

Overall score: 6.08/10
Lengths (cm): 168, 175, 181, 189
Dimensions (mm): 134-100-121
Radius (m): 18
Pros: Hard-snow integrity, Stability at speed
Flotation, Playfulness

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Anyone who thinks Kastle skis are too aggressive will delight in the approachability of the ZX series. Testers found the ZX100 to be a friendly, freeride-oriented all-mountain ski that chews up any terrain you throw at it. The 100mm waist is the slimmest of the line's offerings (hop on the ZX108 or ZX115 for deep days), with a lively poplar and beech core, rockered profile, and stiff yet springy fiberglass reinforcements that increase responsiveness, particularly when you're steering through tight trees and bumps. Although it tends to deflect when you let off the gas in firm snow, testers felt they could trust the ZX100 to hold an edge at high speeds as long as they stayed focused. "This ski is for a strong skier who likes to rail turns and tackle ski big faces," said Harkins. "The ski goes where it wants if you don't put everything you have into it. It's definitely dependable at high speeds, though, and I trusted it when arcing big GS turns."

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best wide all-mountain skis?

  1. Volkl Mantra 102

  2. Rossignol Sender 106 Ti+

  3. Nordica Enforcer 104 Free

  4. Salomon QST 106

  5. Armada Declivity 102 Ti

  6. Elan Ripstick 106

  7. Blizzard Rustler 10

  8. RMU Apostle 106

  9. 4FRNT MSP 107

  10. Black Diamond Impulse 104

  11. Dynastar M Free 99

  12. J Skis The Hotshot

  13. Fischer Ranger 102

  14. Kastle ZX100

What are all-mountain wide skis?

All-mountain wide skis are slightly wider than typical all-mountain skis, with waist widths that hover between 100-110mm. While they're still versatile all-mountain skis, they cater more to soft snow and powder and less to groomer skiing than slimmer all-mountain skis. Like all-mountain skis, all-mountain wide skis feature tip- and tail rocker and larger turning raddi. However, unlike all-mountain skis, wider all-mountain skis tend to include less (or no) metal in the core to keep the weight of the ski more manageable at wider dimensions.

What is the difference between freeride and all-mountain wide skis?

All-Mountain wide skis are usually narrower and have shorter turn radii compared to freeride skis. This allows all-mountain wide skis to perform on hard-snow and be able to carve more easily than true freeride skis. Some skis in this category bridge the gap between these two classifications.

Who are all-mountain wide skis for?

Wider all-mountain skis are better suited to skiers who primarily ski off-piste, at resorts that see abundant snow fall. Wider all-mountain skis generally handle powder and crud better than narrower all-mountain skis. However, wide all-mountain skis sacrifice edge performance, so skiers who care about making precise turns and carving on groomers occasionally should look to narrower all-mountain skis.

How wide is too wide for a resort ski?

Skilled skiers will be able to manage a wide ski (100mm-plus) in most conditions and will still be able to make these skis carve. But intermediate skiers still working on their skills may find wide all-mountain skis to be more work in the types of conditions you are likely to encounter at the resort. Learn more here.

What's the difference between men's and women's skis?

In truth, most skis are unisex and not gender-specific. Many brands produce the ski with the exact same construction technologies for both genders, but often create two different top sheets to appeal to men vs. women. A handful of brands are making truly women's-specific skis, where the ski takes a woman's physique into account when building the ski. Men and women can ski on the same ski but may want to choose different lengths depending on their height and their skiing ability.

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