Best Morning Habits For A Healthier Brain Over 40

woman drinking tea in sun
woman drinking tea in sun

Brain health should always be a priority, but as we grow older and the risk of age-related diseases becomes more prominent, taking measures to support your brain’s ability to function properly for years to come is even more important. Luckily, though, those measures you take don’t have to be complicated or life-altering. In fact, there are a few simple habits you can do every day upon waking to keep your brain healthy as ever.

To discover some of the best steps you can add to your morning routine to support cognitive health, we spoke to Registered Holistic Nutritionist Patricia Eales. She told us that ensuring you’re getting enough protein in your breakfast, spending some time in the sun, and drinking water first thing in the morning can all do wonders for your brain. Learn more below!


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1. Eat a high-protein breakfast

Protein is an essential macronutrient for your overall health, whether you're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or just maintain a fit body—and as it turns out, Eales says it's also crucial to the health of your brain. "Our brains are made of protein, lipids and water. Proteins help neurons within the brain communicate with each other through neurotransmitters that are made from amino acids," she explains, warning that "insufficient protein can lead to cognitive impairment and dementia." In addition to ensuring you have at least 30g of protein in your breakfast, she also suggests incorporating a healthy fat like coconut oil, avocado, or olive oil.

2. Get some sunshine

Sunshine is great for your brain! That's why Eales recommends getting at least 10 minutes of sunshine every day before 10 a.m., which will promote a healthy circadian rhythm to improve your sleep—and we all know how important a good sleep routine is for your overall health, especially when it comes to cognitive function. "Sleep is vital for brain health as it forms and maintains the pathways that let you learn and create new memories, as well as concentration and quick response," she explains.

3. Drink water

We probably don't have to tell you twice that hydration is everything when it comes to maintaining optimal health, and that includes the health of your brain. Although we know how tempting it is to pour yourself a big cup of coffee right upon waking, Eales recommends opting for water first. "Drink a glass of water first thing, before reaching for caffeine," she says. "Concentration and cognition are improved by the increased oxygen and blood flow to the brain that water assists with." Got it!

As you can see, supporting your brain health every morning can be as simple as making a few small changes. When you incorporate protein, sunshine, and water into your routine, you'll be well on your way to a happy and healthy brain for years to come.