The Best Memes From 'The Bachelorette' Season 15, Episode 4

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC

From Cosmopolitan

Okay, this was clearly NOT the most dramatic of all dramatic episodes, despite Chris Harrison's promises. Two Lukes got in a fight, someone went to the hospital, and Jed admitted that he went on TV to get famous. A true, true shock. Why would anyone go on TV to get famous? It just makes zero sense!

Annnnyway, despite a pretty typical episode, the memes came to play. Here's a greatest hits list, for your multi-screen viewing pleasure.

Someone give John Paul Jones a speeding ticket.

Photo credit: Cosmo
Photo credit: Cosmo

And then tell him to do it again, because this hair commercial slash Sonic the Hedgehog teaser trailer was glorious.

Our bodies are ready for Tyler C.

This dancing frat bro has stolen Twitter's collective heart.

Mike for Bachelor

I mean, the poster is ready, ABC.

Hannah ignoring all Luke P.'s red flags like...

Maybe the producers made her do it, maybe it's Maybelline.

Kevin's sad sling

He got hurt during rugby, but that was not the real crime. The terror came much later, with this contraption from ye olden days.

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