These Are the Best Hulk Hogan Memes on the Internet

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Men's Health

You might have heard the news that Hulk Hogan is getting a Netflix biopic, and that Thor actor Chris Hemsworth has been cast in the lead role.

Now, we get why they're making a movie about Hogan's career and the rise of Hulkmania. The guy's a legendary professional wrestler with 12 world championships under his belt, not to mention legions of avid fans. But it's also worth noting that Hogan is iconic for another reason: memes.

With his trademark mustache, bandana, and generally wacky behavior, Hogan embodies the very essence of meme-ability. Here, for your viewing pleasure, we rounded up some of the best Hulk Hogan memes on the internet.

Hulk Hogan in the Hot Tub

Let's start with some of the most iconic. In December 2018, Hogan tweeted a photo of himself in the hot tub, with one of his dogs sitting behind him.

"Don't even try to bullshit us brother," he wrote:

Have you ever seen a more meme-able photo? Needless to say, the floodgates opened.

Even Hogan got in on the meme action:

The Hulk Hogan "Brother" Memes

In addition to catchphrases like "Hulkamania is running wild" and "Eat your vitamins and say your prayers," Hogan is known for calling everybody "Brother." Enter, the Hulk Hogan "Brother" memes:

The Hulk Hogan Leg Drop Memes:

The former pro wrestler had a signature move in the ring: the leg drop. The maneuver entailed Hogan jumping on to an opponent and landing with his leg on their face - both an impressive piece of showmanship, and a grand opportunity for meme-age.

Hogan deployed the leg drop meme himself after that 2019 NFC Championship game between the Saints and the Rams:

The Hulk Hogan Beard Memes:

Why do people like pasting Hogan's face into the space underneath his mustache? We don't know, but we're here for it!


A post shared by terrymolloy99 (@terrymolloy99) on Jun 16, 2015 at 3:01am PDT

Lol new style

A post shared by Isaiah (@dawghouseedits) on May 2, 2015 at 11:21am PDT

The Hulk Hogan Courtroom Memes:

In the midst of Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker, his testimony in court spawned some classic memes:

Oh Brother!!!! #hulkhogan #legdrop

A post shared by Snackytuna (@snackytuna) on Jun 15, 2018 at 9:22am PDT

And some other fun Hulk Hogan memes:

If there's one thing we know about Hogan, it's that where there's a photo of the wrestler, there's usually a meme that results.

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